Dick Thomas paints a rather prosaic farmyard to open All Fowled Up, a 1955 cartoon that was sort of by the Bob McKimson unit.
This cartoon was started in 1955 and used two animators from the Chuck Jones unit, Dick Thompson and Keith Darling, as McKimson’s unit was being laid off for almost a year.
Keith Darling had been in the McKimson unit a year or two earlier, as indicated in the drafts. However, he only did about 30 seconds of footage in each cartoon, so maybe he was dividing his time between the two units, without screen credit for either?
Keith Darling had been in the McKimson unit a year or two earlier, as indicated in the drafts. However, he only did about 30 seconds of footage in each cartoon, so maybe he was dividing his time between the two units, without screen credit for either?