Friday 15 December 2023

Flip Bit

These images were a bit puzzling to me. What IS that thing biting Flip anyway?

This is from the early Flip the Frog cartoon Flying Fists, where he is preparing for a boxing match. Earlier in the scene he is “punching a bag.” I think it’s supposed to be a pear, but I’ll accept anyone else’s guesses.

He knocks the bag around him and it grows a face.

Iwerks is the only person credited but the score must be by Carl Stalling.


  1. Looks like a butternut squash to me.

    1. Maybe it’s like one of those bopper dolls they used to sell for kids … you know that were weighted at the bottom and would tip back up after you smacked it. But being frog-sized, Flip just gets a squash.

  2. Hans Christian Brando15 December 2023 at 14:25

    Definitely something from the gourd family.
