Tuesday 11 July 2023

Snafu Will Snore But It Isn't a Bore (For the Male Audience)

A sex gag starts off The Goldbrick (1944). Private Snafu is snoring.

The camera pulls back to show the effect of the snoring on a pin-up.

Like many of the Snafus, the dialogue is in a Seuss-like rhyme. We even get a Seuss-like incidental character flying out of an apple tree. (An apple tree? In the South Pacific?)

The cheescake is courtesy of director Frank Tashlin. This appeared in the Army-Navy Screen Magazine in September 1943.

1 comment:

  1. Eric O. Costello11 July 2023 at 09:20

    Only the second part of the cartoon is set overseas; the first part is clearly set in a training camp, where Snafu is getting out of work and drill, and acquiring the out-of-shape, ignorant slob status that would seal his fate when he did get into combat. So the apple tree is probably in good ol' Stateside. The Seuss influence on the series was strong in some of the early cartoons, like Rumors, Spies and The Goldbrick, though later entries tended to be more WB-influenced.
