Monday 3 July 2023


The nameless little dog begins his attempts to get Spike to make noise and get thrown out of the bear’s home in Rock-a-bye Bear (MGM, 1952).

Spike is relieved he got rid of a picture of a sexy girl without making libido-induced sounds and goes to sit down. You know how Tex Avery did this in several cartoons. To avoid making noise, a character runs outside into the distance where he lets go, then returns and the next gag follows.

Here are some frames that give you an idea how the first gag went down.

If I had to guess, Mike Lah animated the indoor scene and Grant Simmons was responsible for the outdoor scene. Walt Clinton is the third animator. Johnny Johnsen painted the backgrounds.

Rich Hogan and Heck Allen both get a story credit. Hogan left animation when Avery took time off at MGM to deal with personal things. Allen was re-hired after some time with Walter Lantz (he said Fred Quimby fired him several times so he went hunting for work elsewhere).


  1. Avery went back to this well for Deputy Droopy, and it was hilarious there, too.

    1. And for Lantz in The Legend of Rockabye Point. Also HILARIOUS!!!
