Thursday 15 December 2022

What's in the Bag, Dad?

Half-Pint Pygmy (1948) contains all kinds of impossible characters, such as a camel with a head at either end of its body, or a giraffe with two bodies and no heads.

Almost the entire cartoon is a chase, with George and Junior (they are bears in this one) racing after a teeny black African native. In one sequence, the pygmy jumps into a handbag. Director Tex Avery pulls back the camera to reveal that handbag is part of a living alligator.

Junior grabs the “bag” and takes it back to George. The alligator is not happy.

Junior tells George the pygmy is in the bag. George starts pulling stuff out of the bag to get him. You can see where the gag is below.

How can an alligator have its head in its own body? Don’t bother asking.

Tex now cuts to the next gag.

The cartoon ends with George and Junior killing themselves. That also killed their cartoon careers. This was their last MGM short.

Heck Allen helped with gags. The animators were Grant Simmons, Walt Clinton, Louie Schmitt and Bill Shull.


  1. George and Junior make pretty ugly bears.

    1. Really, weren't they always bears? I think is the opposite, Tex made George too cute for my liking in this short, but it's still a rather funny short.
