Tuesday 20 December 2022

Twirling Edible Leg

Woody Woodpecker pretends to be Santa (70 days before Christmas, according to the calendar) in an attempt to chow down on the food at Wally Walrus’ ski lodge in Ski For Two (1944).

In one scene, Woody gets ready to munch on a turkey leg. The frames tell the story. I like how the leg becomes a swirl of lines.

What I don’t like is the horrendous DNR in DVD set of Woody cartoons put out some years ago. It’s great to have them available, but there’s no excuse for the frame below.

Santa needed to give someone some video restoration lessons for Christmas.

Don Williams and Grim Natwick are the credited animators for director Shamus Culhane.

1 comment:

  1. Les Kline scene--There's a "Baxter's Breakdown" on Cartoon Research from six years ago on this terrific short.
