Tuesday 13 December 2022

Golfing With TNT

Shamus Culhane ends The Loose Nut (1945) with an explosion effect he used in other cartoon.

Woody Woodpecker spends the entire cartoon playing golf and hassling a sidewalk construction worker. The nemesis substitutes Woody’s golf ball for TNT. Woody swings and hits it.

Now the effect. Culhane inserts random still drawing and solid-colour cards, every one or two frames, to signfy chaos. Here are some of the drawings.

The smoke clears. The construction worker is charred and more worse for wear than the woodpecker.

La Verne Harding and Emery Hawkins are the credited animators. Terry Lind gets her first credit at Lantz for backgrounds; this may be the first time two women are credited on screen at the same time in an animated short. As usual, Bugs Hardaway, Milt Schaffer came up with the story. Darrell Calker provides a typical Woody score, while Dave Lurie is the uncredited sound editor. According to the March 23, 1945 edition of The Film Daily, the worker is voiced by Nestor Paiva.


  1. I really like this short in terms of how it experimented with effects. This scene along with the bulldozer scene stand out because of the execution was done in a very absurd (kinda avant-garde) way.

    As for who animated this scene, it seems it could’ve been animated by Les Kline.

    1. Whoop- I meant the steamroller scene.
