Monday 27 September 2021

Fudd Take

Huge eye takes were almost a thing of the past in the 1950s, and they’re something that Bob McKimson eschewed as his unit’s animation became more and more watered down.

But here’s a take in Design For Leaving, a 1954 release with his pre-shut down animators. Anticipation and then the take. Not big, but big for McKimson about then.

And can someone explain something? Why did McKimson love putting eyelids on eyelids? They're in his cartoons before and after the 1953 shutdown, so it wasn’t the trait of one animator.

Chuck McKimson, Phil De Lara, Herman Cohen and Rod Scribner are the animators using layouts by Bob Givens.


  1. Aren't those meant to be forehead creases and eyebrows?

  2. "I'm going upstairs to take an aspawin.......HEY! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY STAIWS?!?"
