Friday 10 September 2021

B.S. (Bull Slingshot)

The confident bullfighting Tex Avery wolf is seemingly under control in Señor Droopy (1949). The bull charges at him over and over, but the wolf is prepared.

In this gag, the graceful matador wolf makes a slingshot appear from nowhere.

It turns into a signboard gag, where part of a sign rips off and attaches to someone. Here, the sign is for a ballet school, so the bull turns into a ballerina when he smashes into the fence. He drops to the sound of a tympani, flips and lands again. Scott Bradley underscores the scene with some light, twinkly ballet music.

Bobe Cannon, Preston Blair, Mike Lah, Walt Clinton and Grant Simmons get animation credits on this short. Bill Thompson is Droopy, Tex does his familiar chuckle for the bull, and Keith Scott has identified the emcee as Nestor Paiva. I can’t tell if he’s also the scared guy who lets the bull in. Of course, we get Lina Romay in live action at the end.

1 comment:

  1. Wee-Willie Wildcat (1953) reused the same signboard gag animation (same ballereina too).
