Tuesday 14 January 2020

Tarrying Terry Hare

There’s no animation credit on A Hare-Breadth Finish, a 1957 Terrytoon, but let’s see if you can guess who animated these two scenes below.

Stretchy, elastic, super-thin rabbit.

Smash! Two drawing vibration.

Shrink and stretch take.

The tortoise slowly walks over him, scrunching down on various body parts. The hare comes to and looks at the theatre audience.

There are some bits that are clearly inspired by Tex Avery and Warner Bros. cartoons (especially the ending) but there’s only one Jim Tyer.

1 comment:

  1. I guessed him right away this morning when I read this.>! (I notice on YouTUbe on TerryToon credits no animation credits..of course no voices or others besides direction, story, and music. Better than those reissue cards with NO credits.:)
