Such may be the highlight of the animation world in the first half of 1935, only because the troupe idea was eventually discarded and one member with a gimmick became Schlesinger’s breakout star. But those days were to come. Certainly there was no hint of it reading the pages of The Film Daily for that period.
Almost all of the rest of the cartoon world seemed to be hanging their fortunes on making ersatz Silly Symphonys—people loved those Three Little Pigs, you know—and with as much colour as they could put on the screen. Meanwhile, Disney was obviously trying to move forward, pushing “The Goddess of Spring” as something new: cartoon humans instead of rubber-hosey animals. It was in the planning stage in spring 1934; Michael Barrier goes into the short in some depth in his book Hollywood Cartoons. Elsewhere, Harman-Ising was expanding, Columbia was selling merchandising rights to Scrappy seemingly everywhere and Burt Gillett at Van Beuren quietly kiboshed his Toddle Tales series.
So let’s look at some of the cartoon news and reviews. I haven’t found out what studio Bruce Blezard worked for. He was an Englishman who died in an accident near Auburn, Maine on August 22, 1940 when his Ford crashed into the abutment of an overpass. He was 39. The Film Daily mentioned a series by a company called Cartoon Exhibitors. These were not animated cartoons, they were stills with captions. So I haven’t included them here.
January 2, 1935
New Incorporations
Walt Disney Enterprises of Los Angeles granted authority to conduct a general motion picture business in New York State, with offices at 150 Broadway; Edward M. Frances, secretary.
January 3, 1935
New Disney Cartoon for Roxy
A new Walt Disney Mickey Mouse cartoon, "Mickey Plays Papa," will be on the Roxy program starting tomorrow, when W. C. Fields in "It's A Gift" opens as the featured film attraction.
January 7, 1935

West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Walt Disney has signed a new five-year contract with Kay Kamen of New York and George Kamen of London for the exploitation of names and characters in the Disney cartoons in the merchandising field.
January 8, 1935
Coming and Going
CHARLES MINTZ, producer of cartoon comedies for Columbia, has left New York for the coast following conferences with some office executives.
Walt Disney Honored
Walt Disney was selected by Durward Howes, former president of the national junior chambers of commerce and editor of "America's Young Men," as one of 12 outstanding young men in America. The Mickey Mouse creator was selected for his contributions to entertainment.
January 9, 1935
Walt Disney to Use Color In All Future Cartoons
Walt Disney goes on an all-Technicolor policy starting with the new Mickey Mouse cartoon, "The Band Concert," which United Artists will release Feb. 9. Disney's Silly Symphonies have been in color for the last two years.
ComiColor Cartoon for Roxy
"Don Quixote", Celebrity's new ComiColor cartoon, will be on the Roxy program starting Friday, with Gaumont British's "Unfinished Symphony" as the feature.
January 16, 1935
Phil M. Daly column
• • • WILL COLOR reign supreme on the screen . . . and eventually entirely replace the black-and-white technique? . . . in the cartoon division at least, color now dominates . . . so we went over to the Van Beuren studio at 729 Seventh Avenue . . . where a schedule of 17 in the Rainbow Parade series is on the agenda for the year . . . all in Cinecolor . . . and found ourself vastly intrigued as Production Director Burt Gillett took us through the various departments . . . for Color calls for a far more intricate technique than the black-and-white cartoon. . .
• • • WE WERE going through the works with an Expert . . . for it was Mister Gillett who directed the Walt Disney classics . . . "Three Little Pigs" and "The Big Bad Wolf" . . . he has brought to this eastern cartoon studio the skill and adroit treatment that have made the Disney cartoons world-famous . . . and to watch 80 artisans and technicians at their tasks of building a bit of entertainment that only flashes on the screen for 7 minutes . . . and takes several months to complete .... fills you with an enormous respect for this specialized branch of film production . . . if everybody in this Dizzy Biz put the conscientious effort and cunning skill into their tasks . . . as do these cartoon specialists . . . the world would hail us an Industry of Craftsmen. . .
• • • THERE ARE five cartoons in work all the time . . . with one being completed every three weeks . . . practically the same speed with which a black-and-white cartoon is turned out . . . this is made possible by a production system that Burt Gillett has developed . . . the handling of the color technique is an education to observe every color hue used on background, props and cartoon characters is charted and given a special number . . . there are color charts for everything . . . animators, in-betweeners, tracers and opaquers are all schooled in these charts . . . they can't go wrong . . . or the cartoon would be ruined . . . if you think YOUR job has Detail . . . run through this workshop some time . . . and learn what Detail really means . . . it's amazing.
January 17, 1935
Shorts as Comic Strips
"Looney Toons" and "Merrie Melodies" cartoon shorts produced by Leon Schlesinger for Warners will be put into comic strips by the Bell Syndicate beginning March 15 under a deal just concluded in New York. Attorney Samuel J. Schwartzman represented Schlesinger.
January 19, 1935
U. A. Films for Soviet Exhibit
Five United Artists releases, including one feature, "Our Daily Bread," and four Walt Disney subjects, have been entered in the International Exposition of Films to be held Feb. 10-20 in Moscow.
January 23, 1935
Mickey Mouse Revives Bankrupt Toy Company
Newark, N. J.—Through a license from Walt Disney to manufacture toy electrical trains with a Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse trademark, the Lionel Corp., Irvington toy firm, was pulled out of bankruptcy and enabled to pay off $296,197 in claims, it was revealed in a hearing before Federal Judge Guy L. Fake, who discharged equity receivers and turned assets of $1,900,000 back to the firm. The cartoon character toys sold like hot cakes and brought many repeat orders, officials of the company stated.
Charles Alicote column
"The Picnic Panic," newest RKO Van Beuren all-color cartoon of the Burt Gillett Toddle Tale series, has been recorded at the Van Beuren Studio.
Feburary 4, 1935
Eli Gottlieb Joins Columbia
Eli Gottlieb has joined Columbia Pictures and will be associated with J. W. MacFarland and Marvin Springer in the short feature department, acting as merchandising counsellor to "Scrappy" and other cartoon franchise licensees.
Feburary 6, 1935
Disney Shorts on Air in England
London — Walt Disney's "Silly Symphonies" are being adapted for presentation over the radio by British Broadcasting Co. A special group of players, with orchestra, is devoted to the program.
Licensed for "Scrappy" Dolls
Columbia's "Scrappy" Cartoon Franchise department has licensed the Alexander Doll Co. as sole manufacturer of a series of composition dolls, reproducing the likeness of the cartoon characters, "Scrappy," "Margy," "Oopy" and the dog "Yippy.”
Feburary 14, 1935
Charles Alicote column
A new version of the black and white animated cartoon "Kool Penguins" has been prepared for the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. by Audio Productions, Inc. This version will be the subject of an intensive campaign made to the public in tying in the dealer organizations of the manufacturer at all points.
Feburary 15, 1935
Gets "Scrappy" Franchise

Cartoon Infringement Suit Is Taken to Supreme Court
For the first time, a case involving infringement of a copyright on a cartoon character has been taken to the U. S. Supreme Court. Ralph A. Freundlich Inc., Ralph A. Freundlich and Sol J. Freundlich, defendants, in an action brought by Fleischer Studios Inc., Fleischer Art Service Inc. and Joseph L. Kallus, doll manufacturer, have asked the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari, under which the court will assume jurisdiction over the appeal. The complaint originated in the U. S. District Court, Manhattan, where Judge Woolsey found the defendants guilty. When thev appealed to the Circuit Court of Appeals, the decision was sustained. Phillips & Nizer are counsel for the plaintiffs.
Feburary 19, 1935
Mickey in Color at 2 Houses
"The Band Concert," first of Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse cartoons color, released by U. A., will open Thursday at the Radio City Music Hall and Friday at the Rivoli.
Feburary 20, 1935
Popeye Cartoon for Roxy
A Popeye cartoon, "Dance Contest," will be an added attraction at the Roxy starting Friday. The feature film opening that day is Universal's "Night Life of the Gods."
Fleischer Wins Cartoon Ruling
The United States Supreme Court has decided that manufacturing of a doll based on a copyright cartoon character is an infringement. Decision was made in denying an appeal made by Ralph A. Freundlich, Inc., Ralph A. Freundlich and Sol J. Freundlich from lower court opinions favoring Fleischer Studios, Inc., Fleischer Art Studios and Joseph L. Kallus, doll manufacturer. Betty Boop was the cartoon character involved in the action. Attorney Louis Nizer, who handled the case for the plaintiffs, was aided by Robert Benjamin and Arthur Krim.
Feburary 23, 1935
5 Rainbow Color Shorts Finished
Five of the 13 Rainbow Parade color cartoons being produced under supervision of Burt Gillett for Van Beuren, and released by RKO, have been finished to date. They are: "Pastrytown Wedding," "Sunshine Makers," "Japanese Lantern," "Parrotville Old Folks" and "Parrotville Fire Department."
Feburary 23, 1935
Terry-Toon for RKO Circuit
"Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son," Educational's new Terry-Toon cartoon inspired by the famous nursery rhyme, has been booked to play the RKO Metropolitan Circuit.
Feburary 26, 1935
Stockholm—Aktb. Svenks Filmindustri, largest producer of films and operator of movie theaters in Sweden, recently finished its first colored cartoon short.
Feburary 27, 1935
Phil M. Daly column
Southern Music Co. will publish "I Love It When It Rains," a song number featured in the Van Beuren Rainbow Parade color cartoon "Picnic Panic."
Feburary 28, 1935
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Awards of Merit for best achievements in 1934 were announced by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences last night, at its annual awards banquet in the Hotel Roosevelt, as follows:
Most outstanding short subject productions:
Cartoon—"Tortoise and the Hare."
March 5, 1935

Moscow—Soviet films were given top honors in the "international" festival just held here. First award went to the Leningrad studio for "Chapayev," now showing in New York; "Peasants" and "Youth of Maxim." France won second honors with "Last Millionaire." Walt Disney received third mention for his "Mickey Mouse" and "Silly Symphony" cartoons.
March 5, 1935
Mickey in Color at Dutch Treat
A special screening of Walt Disney's first Mickey Mouse subject in Technicolor, "The Band Concert," was run at the regular weekly meeting of the Dutch Treat Club. Among some of the guests of honor were Feodor Chaliapin, Charles Winninger and General Hugh Johnson.
March 8, 1935
Gets "Scrappy" Franchise
Columbia has granted an exclusive franchise to Transogram, Inc., New York, manufacturer of games and toys, to use the "Scrappy" cartoon characters in all lines of their merchandise.
Ralph Wilk column
"Mickey's Kangaroo," a production inspired by the gift of three wallabies to Walt Disney from an Australian admirer, is the next film from the creator of Mickey Mouse. It will soon be released through United Artists.
March 14, 1935
Gets "Scrappy" Toy Franchise
Columbia has granted license to Anchor Toy Corp for the sole right to use the Charles Mintz "Scrappy" cartoon characters on its complete line of children's wooden pull toys.
"Mickey's Service Station" at Rivoli
Walt Disney's newest Mickey Mouse cartoon, "Mickey's Service Station," is to have its premiere the Rivoli Theater tomorrow on the bill with Samuel Goldwyn's "The Wedding Night," in which Gary Cooper and Anna Sten are co-starred.
March 15, 1935
Charles Alicote column
THE American Museum of Natural History now has among its exhibits a mounted houndfish, caught by Dave Fleischer of the Fleischer Animated Cartoon studios, in Florida this winter. Francesca LaMonte, associate curator, pronounced the fish a very fine speciment [sic] and a welcome addition to the Museum's collection.
March 18, 1935
Publish Music from Audio Short
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has published in sheet form the song hit of the three-color Technicolor cartoon, "Once Upon a Time." The music has been placed in this form for the special purpose of bringing home this story of safety to the schools. The music was written by Edwin Ludig, music director of Audio Productions, which made the cartoon.
New Silly Symphony for Music Hall
"The Golden Touch," latest Walt Disney Silly Symphony released by United Artists, opens Thursday at the Music Hall on the bill with Fox's Shirley Temple picture, "Little Colonel." In the new stage show, Vicente Escudero, Spain's outstanding male dancer, will appear for the first time in a motion picture theater.
March 19, 1935
Bruce Blezard Marries
Greenwich, Conn.—Bruce Blezard, screen cartoonist, and Irene Thompson, both of New York, were married here yesterday.
March 19, 1935
New Pop-Eye Cartoon At Roxy
A new Pop-Eye cartoon, "Two Alarm Fire," will be shown at the Roxy starting Friday, when "The Woman In Red," new Barbara Stanwyck film, opens as the feature attraction.
March 19, 1935
100 One-Reel Shorts On Paramount’s 1935-36 Program
Paramount will sell 100 single reels for 1935-36, with no two-reelers on its program. Series to be programmed include three from Max Fleischer, who will contribute 12 Pop-eye the Sailor cartoons, 12 Betty Boops and six Screen Songs.
March 21, 1935
Royal Holdover
Prague—A showing of Walt Disney subjects arranged recently by Joseph Kabelac. United Artists manager here, for President T. G. Masaryk of Czechoslovakia, in the latter's residence, made such a hit with the ruler that he officially requested a holdover. It was the first repeat engagement on record for Presidential screening.
March 28, 1935
Charles Alicote column
"Sunshine Makers", color cartoon produced by Van Beuren and released by RKO, has been booked for a second week to play concurrently at Loew's State, Los Angeles and the Warner Theater, Hollywood. It is seldom that such a tribute is paid any shorts subject. "Sunshine Makers", in Cinecolor, was made under the supervision of Burt Gillett.
March 29, 1935
Leon Schlesinger Signs New Warner Contract
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Leon Schlesinger, producer of the "Looney Tunes" and "Merrie Melodies" cartoon series for release thru Warners, has signed a new three-year contract with the company. This will make the sixth year he has been under contract as producer of the cartoon shorts.
April 3, 1935
Disney Film Marks Anniversary
Rome—The 40th Anniversary of the invention of motion pictures by the Lumiere Brothers was celebrated here by a special gala performance, and Mario Luporini, Rome representative for United Artists, was specially requested by the Italian government to contribute a colored cartoon to the program. The film selected was "The Tortoise and the Hare," one of Walt Disney's latest colored Silly Symphonies.
April 4, 1935
Harman-Ising Signed For 13 More Cartoons
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood -— Harman-Ising, producers of the "Happy Harmonies" Technicolor cartoons for M-G-M release, have been signed by the company to make another series of 13 for the coming season.
April 12, 1935
Walt Disney introduced a new feature in a recent Silly Symphony, "The Goddess of Spring," now being released through United Artists, when he used human characters as featured players in cartoon form. This production represents a new step in the development of the animated cartoon and resulted in Disney introducing a new technique. In the past cartoon producers have always avoided the use of humans as characters wherever possible.
In "The Goddess of Spring" there are two singing roles, that of Persephone and Pluto. Over 35 prominent singers were tested before the final choice was made. In addition to the two singing roles, a male octet, a male trio, a girl quartet, a girl trio and a choir of 40 voices were used for the various sound effects.
In these tests for sound effects more than 38,000 feet of sound track film was utilized, but only 800 feet was retained for the complete reel. Another unusual feature in the photographing was the fact that the opening sequence in the production required 22 straight hours of camera work. The reason for the uninterrupted photography was due to the fact that any slight variation in light would have caused an abrupt color change in the final print.
Among other interesting production highlights during the making of "The Goddess of Spring" were: animation tests accounted for 6,765 feet of film; 463 individual test shots being required. One particular scene of 56 feet required 1,308 individual drawings to produce just 1 30 seconds of material on the screen. In all 16,697 drawings were used for the entire production as well as over 200,000 sheets of paper and 17,000 sheets of celluloid. Over six months' production was required on the film.
Columbia Pictures gains national exploitation and ready-made audiences for its short subjects by virtue of nation-wide tie-ups made with a group of big manufacturers. An example of this kind of exploitation is provided by "Scrappy," the animated cartoon character shown in over 7,000 theaters. Scrappy is the only animated character of a child on the screen.
Not only is "Scrappy" appearing on many various articles of children's clothing, but also on toys and novelties of a wide variety. Among the articles manufactured with the "Scrappy" imprint are story books, mechanical toys, films for toy projectors, bathrobes, mittens, rompers, sun suits, handbags, ties and mufflers, dolls, blackboards and many others.
Among the manufacturers licensed to use the characters are: N. J. Crayon Corp., Kolor Kraft Co., Cambridge Hdkf. Works, Max Roth Leather Co., Alexander Doll Co., Transogram, Inc., Durable Toy Corp., Anchor Toy Corp., Scrappy Toy Sales Co., Whitman Pub. Co., Ullman Mfg. Co., Ben Smiley, Inc., Hercules Leather Goods Co., Chas. Chipman Sons, Inc., Kerk Guild, Inc., T. Cohn Co., Louis Wolf & Co., Caro & Co., Guiterman Bros., and others.
In two "Scrappy" campaigns, the J. C. Penney stores spent over $200,000 using the character as a basis for many sales and merchandising drives. Thousands of children became acquainted with Scrappy during these drives.
Columbia has further lent its support to manufacturers in gaining good-will by instituting free cartoon lessons in the public schools and kindergartens. Five thousand art sets have already been sent out to children and the demand is not diminishing.
April 13, 1935
Sam Mintz [sic] Gets "Google" For Color Cartoon Series
"Barney Google", the King Features Syndicate comic strip, has been acquired by Sam Mintz of Screen Gems, Inc., for an animated color cartoon series. The William Morris Agency negotiated the deal.
April 15, 1935
U. S. Films for Soviet
V. Verlinsky, president of Amkino, announces that Universal's "Invisible Man" and "Peter," and two Disney cartoons, "Three Little Pigs" and "Penguin's Island," as well as RKO's "Cucaracha," have been acquired for exhibition in Russia. The pictures were recently shown at the Soviet Cinema Festival in Moscow and negotiations are understood pending for purchase of other American pictures exhibited at the festival.
April 23, 1935
Baltimore — Three local houses, the Century, Hippodrome and Keith's had special showings of cartoons for children on Saturday morning. The Century program was a Walt Disney Special. Boston—Animated cartoon shows for children are being sponsored on Saturdays from 10:30 to 4:30 at the Repertory Theater by Mrs. William Stanley Parker.
April 30, 1935

Exploitation of Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony shorts will receive another impetus through the new "Mickey Mouse Magazine" which makes its bow May 15. It will be a quality publication, in four colors, starting off with 44 pages of stories, games and drawings, and with an initial edition of 200,000 copies. Tieup between the magazine and theaters are being worked out by U. A.
May 1, 1935
Silly Symphonies in Italian
Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies distributed by United Artists, will hereafter have an Italian version.
Lester Gaba, international artist and sculptor, has been commissioned by the Kerk Guild of Utica to make the original molds for the line of molded soap which will bear the likeliness of Columbia's cartoon characters.
May 6, 1935
Ralph Wilk column
"Little Black Sambo," newest Celebrity "ComiColor" cartoon, has been booked at the Four Star Theater in Hollywood for an indefinite run with "Vanessa."
May 11, 1935

National exploitation will be given the Powers ComiColor Cartoons under a deal negotiated by Charles Giegerich, sales manager for Celebrity Productions, for the publication of revised editions of the world famous fairy tales, illuminated with colored illustrations taken from the ComiColor Cartoon drawings. The books will be given special window displays, and will be sold in all the 5 and 10 cent stores.
May 14, 1935
Coming and Going
HARRY A. POST, vice-president of Celebrity Productions, returned from the coast yesterday, having completed plans for next se[] season's series of 13 cartoons.
May 15, 1935
Van Beuren to Continue Four of Present Series
Four of the present series of shorts produced by Van Beuren Corp. for RKO release will be continued next season. These are "Dumb Bell Letters," "Vagabond Adventure," "Ace High Pictures" and "Rainbow Parade Color Cartoons." Additional series are now in preparation and will be announced later. "Land of the Eagle" will be the first "Vagabond Adventure" for 1935-36 release.
May 18, 1935
Phil M. Daly column
• • • AGAIN OUR ole friend Phillip A. Scheib musical director for the Frank Moser-Paul Terry cartoons gets over one of his tuneful melodies in sheet music "Five Little Reasons For Happiness" theme song of the Educational Terry-Toon, "Five Puplets" has been published by the Sam Fox Publishing Co.
Schlesinger Makes Tieups
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Leon Schlesinger, producer of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies for Warner Brothers release, has just returned from New York after a month's stay during which he made several commercial tieups on his series. It is possible that Schlesinger will repeat his performance in producing six Western pictures for 1935-36. No release arrangement has been made nor a star selected. Since his return he has made several contacts in regard to the Western pictures but is not ready to make any definite announcements.
May 22, 1935
Dates for “Monkeys”
Two hundred day and date releases are planned for "Good Little Monkeys," Harman-Ising Cartoon in Technicolor, according to Fred Quimby, M-G-M's junior feature manager.
Five major companies have signed to use Technicolor in short subjects next season and negotiations are pending with others, it was said yesterday by Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus, president of the Technicolor Corp. M-G-M will use Technicolor for six twe-reelers, 10 travelogues and 13 cartoons; Warner Bros, will employ color for seven two-reel comedies and 13 cartoons; Columbia plans 13 cartoons in color, as does Paramount, and Walt Disney will make his entire output in color, Kalmus said. Negotiations are pending for RKO Radio to do 13 cartoons in color, Kalmus stated.
Walter Wanger will make a feature in Technicolor and it is likely that Walt Disney will make one also, Kalmus said.
May 22, 1935
Phil M. Daly column
• • • SO SURE are they of the success of Metro's Harman-Ising Technicolor cartoon, "Good Little Monkeys," that Lynn Publishing Co. of New York will publish a novelty edition with an initial run of 250,000 copies. . . Columbia Pictures has renewed its "Scrappy" cartoon franchise with American Felt Slipper Co., with this manufacturer putting out a new line of children's shoes bearing the imprint of Scrappy.
May 28, 1935
Two-Reel Color Cartoons Are Planned by M-G-M
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—At least two two-reel animated cartoons will be made by Harman-Ising, producers of the Technicolor "Happy Harmonies", as part of its output for M-G-M release next season. Plans along this line, as well as for adapting the new three-color Technicolor process to coming Harman-Ising product, were discussed by M-G-M and H-I executives at the first anniversary luncheon of the latter organization attended by many film notables. A group of five cartoons were shown.
May 29, 1935
Los Angeles — It is reliably reported that at meeting yesterday of Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin and Samuel Goldwyn it was decided that no producer will be named president of United Artists.... Walt Disney attended the conference with Goldwyn, Miss Pickford and Chaplin and is believed to have been offered an owner membership in United Artists. Disney refused to comment on the report.
Jun 7, 1935
Coming and Going
WALTER DISNEY is en route to New York from the Coast, bound for Europe.
Jun 8, 1935
Coming and Going
MR. and MRS. WALT DISNEY, MR. and MRS. ROY C. DISNEY, N. L. NATHANSON of Famous Players Canadian Corp., MIRIAM JORDAN, RICHARD DIX, and IRVING MILLS songwriter, BERNICE CLAIRE. CAPT. DANIEL SICKELS, BARON PHILIPE DE ROTHSCHILD, were among passengers aboard the Normandie sailing last night for Europe.
June 11, 1935
Lou Adolf Promoted
Lou Adolf, formerly with the Columbia exploitation division, has been promoted by Bruce Gallup, director of advertising, exploitation and publicity, to the "Scrappy" cartoon franchise department. He will act both as exploiteer and as contact on future licensees.
June 12, 1935
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Los Angeles — Vitaphone will again deliver 130 short subjects for the 1935-36 season, the same number as in the past two seasons, it was announced by Norman H. Moray, executive in charge of shorts and trailers, at yesterday's afternoon's session of the Warner-First National sales convention in the Hotel Ambassador. . .
26 Cartoons—13 in Technicolor
For the first time, Vitaphone is using Technicolor's exclusive three-point process in filming 13 "Merrie Melodies" cartoons, whi1e the 13 "Looney Tunes" are being set up with a new cast of characters including Miss Cud, Porky Pig, Oliver Owl, Ham and Ex. The latter series will be in black and white. Both cartoon series will be produced on the West Coast by Leon Schlesinger for release through Vitaphone.
June 14, 1935
Release dates for the first 19 pictures on Paramount's schedule of 65 features for 1935-36 are being announced by Vice-President George J. Schaefer at today's session of the annual sales convention taking place in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. . .
In addition to the 65 features, Paramount also will release 107 short subjects. . .
Two-Reel Cartoon in Color
On the short subject program, Lou Diamond, head of Paramount's shorts department, announces a special two-reel presentation in color by Max Fleischer of "Sinbad the Sailor," starring Popeye. The production will be made in three colors, using the Fleischer three-dimensional effect in production.
Further Max Flesicher contributions to the shorts program include 12 Popeye the Sailor cartoons, 6 Fleischer Color Classics, 12 Betty Boop cartoons...and 6 Screen Song Cartoons.
June 15, 1935
Start New Terry-Toons
Frank Moser and Paul Terry have completed the current program of Terry-Toons for Educational and are now at work on the new season's lineup. June releases are "King Looney XIV" and "Moans and Groans," to be followed by "Amateur Night," "The Foxy Fox" and "Chain Letters."
June 19, 1935
New Celebrity Series
Celebrity Productions, in addition to making a third series of ComiColor Cartoons for 1935-36, is considering a new line of cartoons by UB Iwerks. The character to be featured in the new group has already been tried out in other mediums.
Chicago—A minimum of 52 one-reelers, divided into six series, will be produced by Van Beuren Corp for the 1935-36 RKO short subject lineup, according to plans outlined at the RKO convention yesterday by Don Hancock, Van Beuren production supervisor....the use of the new three-point Technicolor on the series of 13 "Rainbow Parade" cartoons to be made by Burt Gillett, are among the highlights of the new Van Beuren program.
June 22, 1935
Phil M. Daly column
• • • EUROPEAN ROYALTY seems to have quite a yen for American animated cartoon comedies . . . the latest evidence being a request received by Paramount from the Queen of Italy . . . asking to purchase a print of the Max Fleischer Color Classic, "The Song of the Birds," for her private use . . . Paramount will present the short to Her Majesty with its compliments and those of Fleischer.
Cartoon in Broadcast
The complete musical score of "Good Little Monkeys," Harman-Ising cartoon released by M-G-M, will feature the "Musical Moods" program, broadcast on a national CBS hook-up from Los Angeles, tomorrow evening. An additional novelty will be the dramatization of highlights of the cartoon success.
Coming and Going
WALT DISNEY, who is now motoring through Europe, returns to this country in August.
June 24, 1935
Disney Cartoon in Twin Premiere
Walt Disney's newest Silly Symphony, "Who Killed Cock Robin?" opens Wednesday at the Rivoli and Thursday at the Radio City Music Hall for simultaneous Broadway first-run.
ComiColor Cartoons Ties in with Publisher
CHAIN store exploitation for ComiColor Cartoons for the forthcoming season has been definitely set with the final approval of story material and the designation of comic cartoon illustrations for the new series of fairy story books to be published under the agreement between Celebrity Productions and Engel-Van Wiseman Book Corporation. Eight titles of as many fairy stories will be published and distributed through national chain store organizations, with rewritten versions of the world famous fairy tales, modernized and illustrated with drawings selected from the ComiColor Cartoon series visualizing these classical stories. The publishers expect that the sales of these new cartoon versions of the famous juvenile classics will set a new record for big sales; and Celebrity Productions anticipate a record exploitation stunt for their color cartoon adaptations of famous fairy tales and folklore fantasies. —ComiColor Cartoons.
June 25, 1935
Harman-Ising Moving Into Larger Quarters
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—To accommodate an increased production schedule and adoption of the new triple-tone Technicolor process, Harman-Ising Studios will move into larger quarters at 861 Seward St. New headquarters include a projection room, audition room for testing talent and a laboratory for making tests. Harman-Ising will make 13 "Happy Harmonies" color cartoons, plus one or two two-reel musical cartoons, for M-G-M release next season.
Ralph Wilk’s column
"Good Little Monkeys," current Harman-Ising M-G-M color cartoon release, will be dramatized over the Hollywood Hotel radio program on Friday evening. The second Mickey Mouse cartoon in Technicolor is to be "Mickey's Garden." Its early release through United Artists is announced by the Walt Disney studios in Hollywood.

January 3, 1935
"The Bird Man" (Krazy Kat Cartoon)
Columbia 7 mins. Amusing Animated
Having ambitions to fly, Krazy Kat makes himself a pair of artificial wooden wings and proceeds to try them out from a barn roof. He has a series of misadventures, then finally winds up by killing a buzzard and winning the gratitude of the forest birds, but in the end he finds that being a bird is not in his line. Same idea was done much better in another cartoon some time ago.
January 4, 1935
"Toyland Premiere" (Technicolor Cartoon)
Universal 9 mins. Toy Antics
Santa Claus takes his toys out on parade and finds that they can afford as much action as an army. The toy soldiers mobilize and show that they're not simply playthings. Color is distinctive.
"Robinson Crusoe Isle" (Oswald Cartoon)
Universal 9 mins. Funny With Music
Crusoe wants another Good Man Friday, so Oswald applies. Cannibals makes it difficult on the island Luckily, Oswald's goat swallows a radio, and the cannibals are so fascinated by the rhythm that they honor the goat with the throne of their chief. Music is catchy. Tale is simple enough for the smallest tot.
January 8, 1935
"The Tortoise and the Hare" (Silly Symphony)
United Artists 7 mins. A Knockout
Walt Disney just about tops all his previous efforts with his latest Silly Symphony in Technicolor. He has taken the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare and jazzed it up into seven minutes of fast and rollicking entertainment that will delight young and old. The character of the Hare is a particularly refreshing and welcome addition to the screen's animated family, and no doubt will soon be sharing honors with the Three Little Pigs. The familiar story depicts the race in which the Hare, far superior to the Tortoise in speed, fools away his time taking a nap and showing off to a bunch of girls, while the Tortoise plods on and finally wins. It's a grand all-around job.
"The First Snow" (Terry-Toon)
Educational 6 mins. Good
Loaded with amusing and fast-flowing action, this short depicts the antics that greet the first snow, include some funny sleigh-riding, ice skating and a rescue from the rapids.
January 19, 1935
Mickey Mouse in "Mickey's Man Friday"
United Artists (Disney) 7 mins. Best of the Lot
In story idea, execution, fast action and general entertainment punch, this latest Mickey Mouse creation tops everything turned out to date in this series by Walt Disney. So many clever gags are packed into the short reel that they follow each other with machine gun speed, keeping the audience on a lively edge from start to finish. Plot background, as the title indicates, is about Mickey being shipwrecked on an island in time to prevent some cannibals from making stew out of the prisoner, who thereupon becomes Mickey's slave and together they wage a hot and humorous battle with the dusky warriors.
Krazy Kat in "Goofy Gondolas"
Columbia 7 mins. Lively and Tuneful
There is plenty of action and merriment in this burlesque of gondola crooners along the canals of Venice. The musical interpolations also are good. Coming along in the wake of several pictures that have had romantic sequences in Venice, this animated take-off should be much enjoyed by audiences generally.
January 25, 1935
"The Dog Show" (Paul Terry-Toon)
Educational 7 mins. Lively Cartoon
Very lively and funny cartoon, with the animals staging their own dog show in a very ritzy manner. Everything is going great till the dog-catchers pinch the show, and start to load all hands into the wagon. The daschund holds the door open too long with his long body, and the mutts all escape, and go back and finish their show. Cleverly worked out, with plenty of comedy touches.
"South Pole or Bust" (Paul Terry-Toon)
Educational 6 mins. Lively Cartoon
Well packed with action and humorous gags, this animated comedy fulfills its purpose very nicely. It depicts an aerial flight to the South Pole, where the intrepid explorer and his aide are given a Rotarian welcome by the natives, followed by an attack from a less friendly walrus, which they finally shake off and scurry back home.
"Those Beautiful Dames" (Merrie Melodie)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Good Color Cartoon
Suggested by the Warner feature, "Dames," this song cartoon in color is a generally lively and entertaining animated. A poor waif, hungry and cold in her barren hut, falls asleep and awakes to find that an army of toy characters have turned her shack into a newly fitted home. Singing by a trio of dolls and other celebration results.
January 28, 1935
"Parrotville Old Folks" (Rainbow Parade Cartoon)
RKO Van Beuren 7 mins. Musical Color Comic
New cartoon characters with peppy music make this fast bit enjoyable to all. Old salt captain visits the Widow Perkins and the party gets wild with music from all kinds of instruments. Good water color effects brought out.
February 8, 1935
"Hill Billies" (Oswald Comedy)
Universal 9 mins. Very Amusing
A feud between the mountaineer families of the rabbits and the hound dawgs occasioned by the discovery of the secret tryst of Lamuel Rabbit and Annabelle Hound Dawg supplies the motivation for this cartoon. The hillbilly tunes and lyrics are amusing and the combat scenes are splendidly and very humorously animated.
February 27, 1935
"Country Boy" (Merrie Melodie Cartoon)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Amusing Cartoon
A lively color cartoon describing the antics of Peter, a rabbit, who plays hookey from school to steal vegetables from the farmer's garden. Windup has Peter in a wild ride on a gasoline lawn mower with the irate farmer in pursuit. The color work is especially good. A Leon Schlesinger production.
March 2, 1935
Popeye the Sailor in "The Dance Contest"
Paramount 7 mins. Good Animated
More comical antics by Popeye, this time as a participant in a dancing contest. Appearing to be out of the running because of the terpsichorean ability of other contestants. Popeye takes a few swigs of his trusty spinach, which sends the necessary pep down to his feet, after which he returns to the floor and, with Wimpy pulling trap doors on other dancers, waltzes away with honors.
March 7, 1935
"The Bull Fight" (Paul Terry-Toons)
Educational 7 mins. Lively
Very bright and funny cartoon, with the hero a Mexican gallant who takes his girl to the bull fights. The toreador suffers a defeat at the hands of the bull, so the hero jumps into the ring and wins a great victory amid the plaudits of the crowd. A lot of very funny business is injected, with some very clever cartoon tricks and grotesqueries. It moves fast, with catchy musical score.
March 11, 1935
"Song of the Birds" (Color Classic)
Paramount 7 mins. Good Animated
A cute animated cartoon in color from the Fleischer studios. Action depicts the shooting of a baby robin by a tough kid, who then is stricken with remorse and goes through a nightmare while the bird colony makes funeral preparations. A rainfall brings the little bird to life again, causing merriment all around and making the kid break up his gun.
March 13, 1935
"The Lost Chick" (Happy Harmonies Series)
M-G-M (Harman-Ising) 7 mins. Dandy Cartoon
Well conceived and neatly executed color cartoon that will delight audiences generally. A setting hen lets one of her eggs roll away. It is picked up by a couple of squirrels, who take it to be a nut despite kidding from their friends. Eventually the chick is hatched out and the squirrels feed it, but mother hen soon turns up to claim her baby. The grateful chick, however, keeps pining for the squirrels, and on a stormy winter night the mother hen goes out and rescues them from the snow.
March 14, 1935
"Japanese Lanterns"
RKO-Van Beuren 9 mins. Good Cartoon
Diverting color cartoon built around some comic mishaps that befall a Japanese family engaged in making Japanese lanterns with a stork aiding in the work. A storm arises and carries off all the stock and the two children of the family, enabling the stork to do an amusing rescue act.
March 15, 1935
"Do a Good Deed" (Oswald the Rabbit Cartoon)
Universal 7 mins. Good Cartoon Subject
This one is especially good for kid showings. Oswald, as the head of a boys' camp, has taught his charges to do a good deed daily. When a bear attacks the camp the many birds and bees befriended by the boys go to the rescue and drive the bear to cover.
"Two Little Lambs" (Oswald the Rabbit Cartoon)
Universal 8½ mins. Fast Cartoon
Plenty of fun in this fast-moving cartoon relating the adventures of twin lambs who take Oswald's airplane and joy ride through an air meet. They soon drive the other contestants out of the race to win the meet for Oswald who has managed to get on board by lassoing the plane.
March 16, 1935
"Buddy's Theater" (Looney Tune Cartoon)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Funny Cartoon
A lot of laughs are contained in this cartoon story of Buddy as a motion picture theater operator. The audience will roar right out at the burlesque newsreel and coming attractions trailer promising "15 features for 15 cents." When the feature comes on Buddy gets so interested that he swings, on a reel of film, from the projection booth to the screen to save his screen heroine from an ape.
March 28, 1935
"I Haven't Got A Hat" (Merrie Melodie Cartoon)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Very Good
A very clever and very funny color animated from the Leon Schlesinger workshop. It depicts the schoolma'am showing off her pupils on commencement day to the fond parents of the woodland and barnyard animals. The kids come up to the platform to do their acts, and each one is funnier than the last. Easily one of the best of the color cartoonatics that will score in any theater with young and old. Animated by Jack King, with neat musical score by Bernard Brown.
April 12, 1935
"Kool Penguins"
Audio Productions 10 mins. Clever Cartoon
A very clever novelty cartoon produced by Audio for Brown & Williamson of Louisville, Ky. The reel will be distributed without cost to theaters. It is a very clever satire on cigarette making, and the advertising slant is so cleverly concealed in the theme that nobody can question it. It shows a penguin battalion flying from the North Pole to Kentucky, where they supervise the production of the "Kool" cigarettes. On the way back north, they fly over New York on a sweltering hot day, and drop the cigarettes from cartons, and turn the city into icicles and coolness. Darn clever, these penguins—and cartoonists. The manufacturers have one of the biggest exploitation campaigns ever put in back of a short, at the exhibitor's disposal.
"Spinning High" (Rainbow Parade Cartoon)
RKO Radio 7 mins. Novelty
A neat little sugar-coated moral for the youngster that will help their parents guide the kiddies is contained in this clever color cartoon. It opens with a little boy and girl playing with some spinning mice. Then into the cartoon technique, with one of the mice as the cartoon character telling the story of why it is not good for folks to try to change their nature or the things they were intended to do. The theme is that of a chemist who changed mice into little red imps that made his life miserable till a chemical accident changed them back to their spinning mice selves again. Very clever and amusing. Burt Gillett supervised and planned this one, and is by way of developing a new cartoon technique with all kinds of possibilities.
"Graduation Exercises" (Charles Mintz Cartoon)
Columbia 7 mins. Okay
Scrappy, the funny little kid, is late for graduation exercises with his pal, so they are locked out of school. They sneak in disguised in a scarecrow outfit, impersonating the school superintendent who is supposed to pass out the diplomas. But Scrappy's false whiskers get tangled, teacher discovers the fraud, and there is the devil to pay as the real superintendent shows up. Good cartoon fun done with ingenious touches.
Popeye the Sailor in "We Aim to Please"
Paramount 7 mins. Lively Animated
A first-rate number in the cartoon class. Popeye and Olive Oyl open up a restaurant, with "We Aim to Please" as their motto. Wimpy comes in and chisels a meal on the cuff. But when another tramp, a big giant, tries to do the same thing, Popeye goes to work on him and a lively fight takes place.
April 25, 1935
"The Brementown Musicians" (ComiColor Cartoon)
Celebrity Productions 7 mins. Clever
A fantasy of the barnyard, done with fine comedy values and expert cartoon technique. The theme is that of a dog, a mule, a cat and a rooster who incur the anger of the old farmer, and he casts them out. They wander away dolefully, until they see four street minstrels singing in front of a house and collecting a lot of dough. They try to follow suit, with disastrous results as they harmonize in their natural voices. The finish has them doing a hero act rescuing their farmer master from robbers, and being brought back to the farm with all the things they most enjoy at their disposal. Ub Iwerks did the cartoon origination.
"Little Black Sambo" (ComiColor Cartoon)
Celebrity Productions 7 mins. Snappy
The tale of a pickanniny's adventures as he wanders off into the jungle with his faithful pup. They encounter a ferocious tiger, who gives chase, and they escape to the shelter of the cabin. The tiger breaks in, but the pickaninny and the pup pull a fast one, and get rid of him. Done with a swell comedy technique by Iwerks, and the color treatment is very good.
April 27, 1935
"Peace Conference" (Krazy Kat Cartoon)
Columbia 7 mins. Topical
A Charles Mintz animated with Krazy Kat doing his stuff at the World Peace Conference, as the representatives of all the world powers sit around the table and start scrapping with one another. Krazy Kat introduces a happy note with his trick Comedy Gun, and everything winds up harmoniously.
April 29, 1935
"The Calico Dragon" (Harman-Ising Cartoon)
M-G-M 8 mins. Real Novelty
It looks like a smash novelty in the animated field that may revolutionize the whole technique. Done in Technicolor, with most of the characters presented dressed in calico material that actually shows as material on the screen. Not the lines of a cartoon character. How the intriguing effect is produced is the secret of the producers. But it's a pip. The young hero of the skit travels with his horse and dog into the castle of the fearsome dragon, with some amazing adventures resulting.
May 9, 1935
Popeye the Sailor in "Beware of Barnacle Bill"
Paramount 7 mins. A Pip
One of the best of the animated cartoons. It's packed with action and comedy, augmented by some humorous singing, and will delight the kids as well as amuse the grownups. Action revolves around Popeye, Olive Oyl and her sweetie, Barnacle Bill, a tough giant. When he catches Popeye calling on his girl, Bill knocks him all around the place, with Popeye always coming up for more and finally taking a swig of spinach and laying the big brute flat.
May 19, 1935
Universal 9 mins. Neat Nursery Cartoon
A pleasing cartoon in color, with a nursery theme as the Sandman calls and takes the youngster and his punpy to Candyland in the Clouds. There the King of Candyland entertains them royally showing them through his candy factory with all the candy-makers outdoing one another to show their artistic work. The finish is very funny, with the kid and the pup running back to their slumber as the King tries to get them to take castor oil after loading themselves up on candy. Of course it was all a dream for the little tot.
"Elmer, the Great Dane" (Oswald Cartoon)
Universal 9 mins. Funny Dog Antics
Oswald's faithful hound, Elmer, steals this show as he gets a violent case of hiccoughs after stealing a chicken from the kitchen stove. Oswald tries all the known remedies for stopping the hiccoughs. But they all result in more comical trouble for the pup. Finally the malady is apparently overcome, but as Oswald goes back to peaceful slumber, the doggie under his bed rocks him out of the sheets with more violent hiccoughs than ever. Very clever gags and cartoon tricks make this an original and very laughable number.
"Springtime Serenade" (Color Cartoon)
Universal 8 mins. Lively
A story of the little folks in the woods, done in color. Old Professor Groundhog warns Oswald that he is opening up his summer boarding house too early, as the groundhog's shadow shows six more weeks before Spring. But Oswald laughs at the warning, and goes ahead preparing for the vacation guests. Finally the snow begins to fall, and in the midst of a blizzard the ground hog has the final laugh on Oswald and all his friends of the woods and barnyard.
May 25, 1935
"Good Little Monkeys" (Harman-Ising Cartoon)
M-G-M 9 mins. Very Funny
That the Harman-Ising combination is going places, is amply demonstrated by this subject which in spots is as good as almost anything previously done in the cartoon field. Subject shows three little monkeys who are lured by the devil to the brink of hell where they are rescued by the emergence of a Boy Scout brigade and other rescuers from a group of story books of Napoleon. Technicolor is excellent and the action swiftly-paced.
May 28, 1935
"Old Mother Hubbard" (Comi-Color Cartoon)
Celebrity 8 mins. Amusing Cartoon

"King's Jester" (Krazy Kat Cartoon)
Columbia 7 mins. Lively Cartoon
A fast moving and comical cartoon in which Krazy Kat enters the contest to make a sour-looking king laugh. Two contenders fail and are led away to be executed but Krazy accidently hits on the formulae and wins the princess.
"Scrappy's Ghost Story" (Scrappy Cartoon)
Columbia 7 mins. Spooky
A good number of laughs evolve from this fast moving cartoon. Scrappy, who is telling his kid brother a ghost story, falls asleep and dreams of a variety of ghosts who chase him all over a forest with their chanting and haunting.
May 31, 1935
"Mary's Little Lamb" (Comi-Color Cartoon)
Celebrity 8 mins. Good Cartoon
Mary's Lamb follows her to school, as in the famous rhyme, and succeeds in generally mixing up the closing day exercises to the embarrassment of teacher and the amusement of the pupils. Lots of laughs result from the confusion.
June 12, 1935
"The Cookie Carnival" (Silly Symphony)
United Artists 7 mins. Good Color Cartoon
A diverting animated concoction in Technicolor, not quite as bright and snappy as some recent Walt Disney creations in this series, but still a pleasant bit of entertainment of its kind. Action revolves around a celebration in which various kinds of cookies participate, with a Cinderella character chosen to be queen of the affair. Musical background is pleasing.
June 14, 1935
"Who Killed Cock Robin?" (Silly Symphony)
United Artists 7 mins. Outstanding Color Cartoon
Ye olde master, Walt Disney, has produced another cartoon which makes a swell approach to the entertainment values he provided in "Three Little Pigs." It's class A stuff, effectively done in color. A mysterious, shadowy individual "kills" the fabled Cock Robin, who, by the by, is the sweetie of a May [sic] Western type of bird. Then come the Keystonian cops, also birds, and later the trial. Finally a birdy version of Dan Cupid admits having shot Robin but May brings him to with a Big Kiss. Catchy music helps enliven the proceedings.
June 17, 1935
Popeye the Sailor in "For Better or for Worser"
Paramount 7 mins. Okay Cartoon
Tired of batching, Popeye applies at a matrimonial agency for a bride. A big tough guy wants the same girl, who happens to be Olive Oyl with a veil over her face, so the two men fight it out until Popeye takes a few slugs of spinach and wins. But when he gets a look at his prospectiye... bride's face, he changes his mind and decides to remain a bachelor. Though the subject is not as snappy or as funny as some in the series, it will do.
June 19, 1935
"Amateur Night" (Terry-Toon)
Fox-Educational 6 mins. Good
Timely and amusingly worked out, this subject treats of the amateur hour at the Hickville radio station, with a mule using both hind legs to boot out the unsatisfactory applicants. A quintuplet singing team proves the favorite entry.
Popeye the Sailor in "The Hyp-Nut-Tist"
Paramount 7 mins. Good Animated
A lively and humorous cartoon comedy. Popeye and Olive Oyl attend a theater where a hypnotist turns Olive into a chicken and makes her do funny stunts. The enraged Popeye goes after the performer, whose powers work even on the sailor until he creates the necessary resistance by a couple of swigs of spinach. Then he knocks the hypnotist for a loop and restores Olive to her natural form.
“April 30, 1935: Mickey Mouse Magazine”
ReplyDeleteAnd it was that very same “Mickey Mouse Magazine” of 1935 that would eventually become the popular and enduring comic book series WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES, releasing issues from 1940 (with only occasional breaks starting in 1984) through 2011!
For what it’s worth, I wrote the last original lines of character dialogue for that title in 2011 (Issue # 720), and it is awe inspiring to know that I was part of the completion of a continuum that began in 1935!
Wonder how the Fleischers felt about the publicity for "The Goddess of Spring," using human characters while they were churning out all those Popeye and Betty Boop cartoons? (the missing word in the article, of course, was 'realistic', and portends to the direction Disney was heading versus Max's feeling about maintaining the 'cartooniness' of animated characters -- Wiffle Piffle might by 'human', but Walt wouldn't have signed Grim Natwick to put his design essence into "Snow White". But from Koko all the way to Ralph Bakshi's "Marvin Digs" no studio used humans more in their cartoons than Paramount).