Friday 7 April 2023

More of the Crazy, Darn Fool Duck

Daffy Duck somersaults forwards and backwards and twists around for director Tex Avery in Daffy Duck in Hollywood (1938). A few drawings in order.

This may be the one Hollywood cartoon without celebrity caricatures, though the producer is clearly based on Leon Schlesinger, with his double-breasted suit and carnation in the lapel. Daffy was the most frantic character on the big screen at the time. Avery and the duck worked well together; Porky’s Duck Hunt, Daffy Duck and Egghead and this short are all fine cartoons. Bob Clampett glommed onto Daffy and started livening up the Looney Tunes series with him.

Dave Monahan gets the rotating story credit, while Virgil Ross is credited with animation (Paul J. Smith, Sid Sutherland were also animating in the unit at the time).


  1. Any idea if the Warner Bros lot really looked like this?

    1. Hans Christian Brando7 April 2023 at 18:42

      It looks quite a lot like that now, although the Burbank hills in the background aren't purple (I doubt they were at the time).

  2. Famous Studios' "Lulu in Hollywood" is likewise devoid of celebrity caricatures, unless you count Little Lulu sporting Veronica Lake's peekaboo hairstyle or Charlie Chaplin's moustache. I don't.

  3. Possibly. Looking at a 3D view from Google Maps of the old Sunset Warner lot (now shared between Netflix and Sunset Bronson Studios,-118.3168283,320a,35y,39.38t/data=!3m1!1e3
    the curve at the corner of the buildings jibe with the buildings on the southwest corner of the lot. Termite Terrace existed on the southeast of the lot (Fernwood and Van Ness). The terracotta-roofed film library probably didn't exist, but was likely designed to stand out from the big shooting studios.
