Friday 26 February 2021

Between a Rock and a Rock

The cattle-raising wolf tries over and over to hide behind rocks from Droopy’s sure-shot guns (Droopy’s reading comic books while the guns do all the work)—but to no avail.

The guns keep cutting down the rocks. First, to a teeny stone, then to The Thinker, and then to Venus DeMilo. The last two are intact for a moment before more bullets fly and shoot the heads into pebbles.

The cattleman runs down the winding road into the distance and then into his ranch house. I like how his cattle pay no attention to him.

Drag-a-Long Droopy has some wonderful gags, with Heck Allen assisting Tex Avery with them. Ray Patterson and Bob Bentley animate this short along with Mike Lah, Grant Simmons and Walt Clinton. Tex plays the cattle owner.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the cattle do a "take" as soon as he enters the cabin.

    Bill & Joe did a variation on this gag two years later in Busy Buddies, substituting a hedge for the boulder, and trigger-happy cops (Shooting at a baby? Now there's something you don't see everyday, Chauncey) for Droopy.
