Still, the pages of The Film Daily for the last half of 1933 have a cheerful look at the Van Beuren operation which, in an age of up-tempo modern music and singing adorning cartoons, pegged its success on a silent character—The Little King. And they also give you an indication of Disney’s growing promotional machine. The Disney cartoons were such hits that Columbia, Walt’s distributor before United Artists, re-released old cartoons (43 Mickeys and 26 Silly Symphonies) and U.A. was forced to promote “new” Disney cartoons in its trade ads.

So let’s get right to the articles and cartoon reviews. Some of the text is unintelligible so missing words are replaced with [ ]. Fans of Ted Eshbaugh will note a couple of references to his “Snowman” cartoon. And you can read the first half of 1933 HERE.
July 5, 1933
"Jack and Bean Stalk" New Cartoon Series
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—"Jack and the Bean Stalk," the first of a new series of cartoons in Technicolor, will be ready for release in September. This new series of famous old fairy tales in color will be produced by UB Iwerks under the screen title of "Once Upon a Time." Scenarios have been prepared on the following stories for future production: "Tom Thumb," "Cinderella," "Jack, the Giant Killer," "Little Red Riding Hood," "The Three Bears," "The Snow Queen," and "The Little Tin Soldier."
July 9, 1933
Ralph Wilk column
His Majesty's Consul, Wentworth Martyn Gurney, has presented a Manx cat of pedigreed lineage, the gift of the Governor-General of the Isle of Man, to Walter Disney. Disney has named the animal, "World Economic Conference," because he believes that the conference will be cut short like the cat's tail.
July 8, 1933
Ben Berke, head of the Atlas Sound Studios in Long Island City, denies the report that the studio will cease operating and close. Berke stated that conditions were never better for producing and at present the latest of the Paul Terry-Toon cartoons is now being synchronized.
July 19, 1933
George Kamen, connected with Walt Disney's New York office for some time, sails today on the Manhattan for London to establish headquarters as European representative for Disney. He will confer with Murray Silverstone, London representative for United Artists, r[] to duplicating the same arrangements in Europe that prevails between Disney and U. A. overseas.
July 20, 1933
U. A. Will Share Prosperity With Personnel
. . .Walt Disney announced that he would produce 13 "Mickey Mouse" cartoons and 13 "Silly Symphonies." For "Mickey Mouse" material he will delve into old Greek tales and old fairy stories. At the banquet last night at the Drake Hotel, closing the convention, Disney distributed Mickey Mouse watches to the delegates as souvenirs.
July 24, 1933
Film Cartoon Talent In New Vaudeville Act
James Rodgers has placed in rehearsal a new vaudeville unit featuring Little Ann Little, the Voice of Betty Boop, and Pauline Comanor, the artist responsible for some of the antics of Max Fleischer's Betty Boop. The unit, built around the cartoon studio idea, opens this week.
July 25, 1933
Cartoon Comedy Feature Contemplated by Disney
Theme songs, color, stories developed from Greek myths and an art school for animators were discussed by Walt Disney in an interview yesterday at the United Artists offices. Disney has plans worked out for a feature-length cartoon picture, but has been unable to find response from United Artists executives, he said. However, the creator of Mickey Mouse claims that the idea has merit and he will continue to plan for the production. No animal characters will be used in the film.
All 13 Silly Symphonies on the new line-up will be in color and the 13 Mickey Mouse cartoons in black and white. Theme songs for cartoons that warrant musical numbers, will be written by Frank Churchill and Leigh Harline of his musical department.
Disney has started an art school for his entire staff of 130 artists and also for artists who desire training in animation. The class meets twice a week. The cartoonist claimed that Mickey Mouse releases were costing $20,000 each to make, exclusive of print cost.
Luncheon to Disney
United Artists will tender a luncheon today to Walt Disney, producer of the "Mickey Mouse" and "Silly Symphony" cartoons distributed by U. A.
July 26, 1933
Phil M. Daly column
• • • AFTER LISTENING to President Roosevelt's radio address Monday eve . . . Paul Terry and Frank Moser wired the Chief Executive . . . advising him that they had increased the salaries of their Terry-Toons staff 10 per cent . . . and this may be the first intimation to the boys that their pay envelopes have been made heavier . . . as Paul Terry commented to us . . . "This entire economic situation is purely a Mental Condition on the part of employers. If every organization large and small would increase salaries today, the nation would experience Prosperity automatically tomorrow. . . .
• • • THE TRADE and newspaper boys met the adopted father of Mickey Mouse . . . the same being Walt Disney . . . at a luncheon at the Park Central yesterday . . . several novelty surprises were sprung . . . mouse traps were concealed everywhere in the dining room . . . the chicken salad was composed of cheese . . . Kay Kamen, the New York representative of Walt, scared the ladies half to death when he released a batch of white mice from his inside pocket . . . it was all very unsual and interesting . . . Mickey would have been there in person, but Walt explained that the rodent is very bashful . . . and was afraid that he might be called on to squeak.
August 7, 1933
Harman-Ising End Cartoon Contract
Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—With the delivery of "Bosko's Picture Show," Harman-Ising Productions terminates the making of "Looney Tunes" and "Merrie Melodies" for Warner release, it is announced by Rudolf C. Ising. Hartman-Ising [sic] have produced these series of animated cartoons for the last three years. Ising states that releasing arrangements for the new Harman-Ising product will be announced shortly.
Phil M. Daly column
BILL GILMARTIN, who formerly general managed the Fleischer studios, is now assistant to Gene Rodemich the nifty little big man of the Aesop's Fables and Tom and Jerry cartoon studios . . . and Dave Freedman who writes the gags for Eddie Cantor is now gagging-up the same cartoons.
August 9, 1933
Phil M. Daly column
Walt Disney's perennial mouse, Mickey, collected new honors at the flower show in Seattle . . . he was in the flower parade in the form of a giant replica composed entirely of flowers.
August 17, 1933
Phil M. Daly column
NEW STAGE show at the 7th Ave. Roxy on Friday will have Cookie Bowers, celebrated mimic, who has furnished sound effects for many cartoon shorts.
August 24, 1933
Ralph Wilk column
Walt Disney's entire production staff is now at work on an adaptation of Anderson's "The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep," and he is also planning a Silly Symphony based on the immortal "The Night Before Christmas." Both for United Artists release.

August 26, 1933
Ralph Wilk column
Ted Esbaugh's first colored cartoon, "The Snow Man," is being shown at the Criterion, Los Angeles, on the same program with "The Masquerader." It is also being shown in New York.
August 28, 1933
Preparing Feature Ads For Walt Disney Shorts
The United Artists publicity and advertising department is putting as much effort behind Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies and Mickey Mouse shorts as it is in the case of feature length pictures. A special campaign is to be prepared on each of the Disney shorts, and these campaigns, in mimeographed form, with complete details to help exhibitors get maximum results with the pictures have already been prepared on "Old King Cole," "Lullaby Land" and "Puppy Love." Many exhibitors nowadays are billing the Disney shorts above features, and the subjects are being reviewed accordingly by some critics.
August 29, 1933
Ralph Wilk column
Ted Eshbaugh is producing a series of "Musicolor Fantasies," one-reel cartoons made with a three-color process. The first subject is "The Snow Man." He is also preparing a second series of cartoons, which will be made in Technicolor.
September 1, 1933
Drop "Tom and Jerry" Cartoons
Production of the "Tom and Jerry" cartoons has been discontinued by the Van Beuren Corp. with the completion of "Doughnuts," the thirteenth during the fiscal years. Soglow's cartoon character, "The King," will replace the series. The first of the Soglow cartoons is completed and will be released next month. Sounding of the first "Amos 'n' Andy" combination cartoon-shorts is finished.
Phil M. Daly column
THE LAD who is run ragged by this kolyum has been caricatured in Paul Terry-Toon's cartoon burlesque meller, "Fanny's Wedding Day" . . . we now have no delusions about bein' a Hollywood Star!
Ralph Wilk column
Frank Churchill of Walt Disney's staff wrote the two theme songs, "Puppy Love" and "Spring is Here," for the new Mickey Mouse subject, "Puppy Love." All Mickeys and Silly Symphonies will have theme songs hereafter.
September 8, 1933
Terry-Toons for Embassy
Educational's entire new series of 26 Terry-Toons, animated cartoons, will play the Embassy Newsreel Theater under a deal just closed. First of the subjects goes in the house tomorrow.
September 14, 1933
Brother Visiting Hugh Harman
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Fred C. Harman, well-known cowboy artist whose western paintings and etching are on exhibition at the Stendahl Galleries, is in Hollywood visiting his brother Hugh Harman, co-creator with Rudolf C. Ising of "Bosko" and other Harman-Ising cartoon characters.
Juvenile Books Plug "Silly Symphonies"

—United Artists
September 16, 1933
Entente Cordiale
On Max Fleischer's "Betty Boop" radio program over WEAF this week, Betty sang "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?" from Walt Disney's Silly Symphony, "Three Little Pigs." The Disney cartoon shorts are distributed by United Artists, while Betty Boop is a Paramount girl.
September 20, 1933
H. Harman Here on Deal
Hugh Harman, president of Harman-Ising Productions, Ltd., producers of animated cartoon comedies has arrived in New York with Charles B. Stewart, Jr., attorney for Harman-Ising, for conferences on releasing arrangements for a new series of shorts. Harman-Ising recently completed contracts on the "Looney Tunes" and "Merrie Melodies" released by Warners.
September 22, 1933
Van Beuren Reduces Animators
A reduction of ten animators and assistants from the Van Beuren Corp. cartoon department was made yesterday. Harry D. Bailey, one of the head animators who has been with the company 12 years, and George Rufle, another chief animator, were among the departures. Van Beuren has discontinued the "Tom and Jerry" cartoons and it is reported that there has been a delay in further production of the "Amos 'n' Andy" series. One has been made but not as yet released.
September 23, 1933
Phil M. Daly column
• • • IN CELEBRATION of the birth of Mickey Mouse five years ago . . . his birthday will be suitably honored next Saturday, the 30th . . . Hal Horne asked us to be sure and say . . . "Even the schools will be closed." . . . Hal still thinks that one is good . . . oh, well . . . nevertheless and in spite of the ga-ga-gag . . . we still feel that Mickey rates the swellest birthday party that Walt Disney, United Artists and the world in general can give him . . . thousands of merchants handling the products of the 38 prominent manufacturers using the Mickey Mouse trademark will be in on the world-wide party.

September 30, 1933
Phil M. Daly column
• • • AT THE Mickey Mouse Birthday Party tonite at the Hollywood restaurant . . . Jerry Lester will act as emcee . . . Jerry played the Seven Voices in the Disney cartoon, "Mickey's Gala Premiere," imitating Maurice Chevalier, Jimmy Durante, Ed Wynne, Eddie Cantor and other celebs . . . tonite he will talk like Mickey Mouse, while Hal Horne will impersonate Minnie Mouse . . . the guests will provide an assortment of other squawks . . . er . . . pardon . . . squeaks . . . everything in Atmosphere . . . and by the way . . . 15 Loew houses are playing return engagements of "Three Little Pigs" the Walt Disney . . . smash cartoon.
October 2, 1933
Mickey Mouse and Weissmuller for M-G-M Musical
No sooner does the cast of "The Hollywood Party," which includes more than 20 starring names, appear final and complete than M-G-M comes forward with new personalities for the production. The latest announcement brings the news that Walt Disney has been persuaded to loan Mickey Mouse, his three little pigs and his big bad wolf to the producers of this musical extravaganza, for sequences to be worked out at once by Mr. Disney. Another new name for "The Hollywood Party" is Johnny Weissmuller, who will take time away from the "Tarzan and His Mate" set to do a number in which a swimming chorus will be featured.
October 3, 1933
Coming and Going
LEON SCHLESINGER, producer of the "Looney Tunes" and "Merrie Melodies" song cartoons for Warner, flew into New York yesterday from Los Angeles to confer with Norman Moray, Vitaphone sales manager. He expects to remain in New York about a week.
October 4, 1933
Van Beuren Sales Up
Sales on all Van Beuren short subjects show a 50 per cent increase over last year, Amdee J. Van Beuren stated to Film Daily yesterday. "So far, with only 26 cartoon releases, we have done fifty per cent better this year than with 39 cartoon releases last year," said Van Beuren. "The same applies to the Vagabond Adventure series and the Charlie Chaplin re-issues."
Trans-Lux Bids for "3 Pigs" Outright
Trans-Lux, which is playing the Silly Symphony "Three Little Pigs," for a sixth week at its Broadway house, has made United Artists a bid for outright purchase of this colored cartoon containing the "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" ditty. Intention presumably is to repeat the showing on many future occasions. In its fourth week it broke the Trans-Lux record and on the Sunday of the fifth week it recorded the biggest day in the history of the house.
October 6, 1933
Coming and Going
LEON SCHLESINGER has left New York after signing a scenario writer and two animators to work on his "Looney Tune" and "Merrie Melodies" cartoons for Warner.
October 11, 1933
Another Honor for Disney
Walt Disney, creator of the Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony shorts, has just been awarded a diploma by the Academy of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, in recognition of his film cartoons.
October 12, 1933
Cartoon Producers' Rules In Second Code Revision
Washington — Following clause dealing with animated cartoon producers is part of the second revision of the film code:
(a) No cartoon Producer shall employ any person during such time as he is employed full time by another.
(b) No cartoon Producer shall make any offer directly or indirectly of any money inducement or advantage of any kind to any employee of any other cartoon Producer in an effort to entice, persuade or induce such employee to leave or become dissatisfied or to breach any contract covering his employment.
(c) No cartoon Producer shall adapt a cartoon character of another in such manner that the use of the adapted character shall constitute an appropriation by him of the good will of the creator.
Para. Buys Song Hits
"Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?" song hit from Disney's "Three Little Pigs," and "The Last Roundup," musical rage from the new Ziegfeld Follies, have been acquired by Paramount. The first will be used in the Four Marx Brothers' "Duck Soup," and the other in "Border Legion."
Lost Count
The original Roxy announces it is holding over "Three Little Pigs" for "still another week"—it's played there so long they've lost count. This Disney Silly Symphony also continues until further notice at the Trans-Lux on Broadway, in addition to playing currently at the Plaza, Little Carnegie and other places.
October 14, 1933
3 More from Harman-Ising
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Last of the animated cartoons being made by Harman-Ising Productions under its contract with Warners are "We're in the Money," a Merrie Melody, and "Bosko the Musketeer" and "Bosko's Picture Show," Looney Tunes. Harman-Ising also made "The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon."
October 14, 1933
Cartoons 100% Clean
Not a single censor cut was made in animated cartoons during the last year by the New York state censors, according to the report of Edwin Esmond, head of the division, issued yesterday.
October 25, 1933
Drop Amos 'n' Andy Series
Due to the impracticability of keeping the two famous blackface comedians in New York for voice dubbing, the Van Beuren Corp. has abandoned production of the "Amos 'n' Andy" combination shorts-cartoon series scheduled for this season's release. They were included in the RKO 1933-34 release schedule.
Recovery Note
Walt Disney, the chap responsible for Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphonies, has upped his pay envelope from $150 to $200 per week, according to Roy Disney, brother of the producer, who has come East from West. This, Roy points out, is "doubly significant at the present time when attention is being focused on the high salaries of movie celebrities." Practically the entire income from the pictures are being turned back into the business, he states.
October 26, 1933
Continue Ameranglo Suit
Trial continued yesterday in Supreme Court before Justice Timothy A. Leary and a jury in the suit brought by Ameranglo Corp., against Columbia Pictures, Celebrity Productions, Walt Disney and Ideal Films of London, for $13,000 representing commissions alleged to be due because of the disposal of rights to "Mickey Mouse" and "Silly Symphony" cartoons. Hearing continues today.
October 26, 1933
Ralph Wilk column
M-G-M will make a special short subject titled "Goofy Movies" which will include newsreel shots, cartoon, and a sketch all in one reel. Pete Smith will handle the narration and Ruth Selwyn will be featured. Jules White will direct.
October 30, 1933
Ralph Wilk column
Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising have been working with Director Norman McLeod on the animated cartoon part of "Alice in Wonderland," to be executed by the "Carpenter" and the "Walrus.
Record for Short
Playing for eight consecutive weeks at the Trans-Lux on Broadway, Disney's "Three Little Pigs" was shown approximately 800 times in that period, an all-time record.
October 31, 1933
Phil M. Daly column
Influence of "Three Little Pigs" has penetrated our home town of Yonkers, with a roadside restaurant re-titling itself "The Big Bad Wolf" . . . and the London "Daily Express" ran a four-column cartoon adapting the "pigs" idea to present economic conditions.
November 2, 1933

• • • IT WAS a sort of liberal education for us in the tremendous progress the Cartoon has made in the last year . . . to catch the first of that new series of Soglow animateds now on display at the Radio City Music Hall . . . titled "The Fatal Note," . . . wherein the famous Soglow newspaper cartoon character "The King," almost lives and breathes upon the screen . . . so we journeyed over to the Van Beuren studio to find out how it was done so cleverly. . .
• • • THERE SEEMS to be no limit to the entertainment possibilities of the cartoon . . . and what can be done with it . . . as witness the sensational "Three Little Pigs" in Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies and his Mickey Mouse world-beaters . . . and here in the Soglow creation another rich field has been opened up by the Van Beuren studio . . . taking a flat funny strip from the newspapers and transforming it into a goofy operetta with oodles of production technique and cunning tricks of the animators is most certainly an Achievement. . .
• • • OVER AT 729 Seventh Avenue the entire 16th floor is devoted to Cartoon Creations . . . the new Soglow "King" series and the funny "Cubby Bear" product . . . picture at work 17 Animators, 23 "in-betweeners" as they call the artists who do the continuity, 40 tracers and opaquers . . . and you get a slight idea of just how extensive and important this manufacture of cartoons really is then . . . there is Gene Rodemich's orchestra of 15 musicians specially trained on the animated technique . . . most of them capable of handling two or three instruments . . . we saw several harmonizers blowing into instruments of peculiar designs that we never knew existed . . . in this way they secure tricky sound effects to meet the unique requirements of the cartoon field. . .
• • • IF YOU think film production with human actors is a highly technical procedure . . . you oughta visit this cartoon plant . . . there are so many complicated mechanical devices employed that you wonder how anything artistic can ever emerge from it all . . . but the Creative Department only uses the mechanics as a means to an end . . . the artistic side is always predominant . . . a regular continuity is worked out on every cartoon with the same meticulous care accorded a big Hollywood feature . . . Charles Wolf as film editor has a difficult and complex job . . . Winston Sharples is the music arranger . . . George Stallings acts as head animator, with Steve Muffati [Muffatti], Ed Donnelly and Jim Tyer assisting . . . Gene Rodemich is in complete charge of all music and animation . . . and what keeps him from going nuts like Soglow's "King" is a mystery to us . . . well, what we started out to say with all these preliminaries is these lads have walked into something New and Unique for the screen with Soglow's Series . . . at last the Cartoon creators have discovered that their medium has something far more significant and entertaining to offer than a lotta dizzy animal characterization.
November 4, 1933
Terry-Toon Prints Up 50%
Expanding contracts and play dates has resulted in calls for 50 per cent more prints on Terry-Toons as compared with the start of the year, according to Educational. Paul Terry and Frank Moser, producers of the cartoons, recently increased negative investment by one-third.
Ralph Wilk column
Further adventures of the "three little pigs" are planned by Walt Disney. They will appear next in the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
November 6, 1933
P. A. Powers Presenting Color-Musical Cartoons
First of a new series of musical cartoons in color, based on popular fairy tales and folk lore and sponsored by P. A. Powers, president of Celebrity Productions, will make its debut shortly on Broadway. They will be known as "ComiColor Cartoons." The first release, "Jack and the Beanstalk," Is already completed, and "The Brave Tin Soldier" is in production. Others to follow include "Sinbad the Sailor," "Puss in Boots," "Cinderella," "The Three Bears," "Jack the Giant Killer," "Tom Thumb," "Aladdin." "Snow White," "Hansel and Gretl," "The Bremen Town Musicians," "The Little Red Hen," "Tha Snow Queen," "The Ugly Duckling." "The Golden Goose," "Dick Whittington's Cat" and "The Little Mermaid" also are in preparation for cartoon production.
November 10, 1933
New Hearing in Ameranglo Suit
A jury disagreement has resulted in setting of a new trial of the suit brought by Ameranglo Corp. against Columbia Pictures, Ideal Films of London, Walt Disney and Celebrity Productions seeking $13,000 in commissions allegedly due through disposal of foreign rights to "Mickey Mouse" and "Silly Symphony" series. Hearing is scheduled for Nov. 29 in the Supreme Court, New York.
November 15, 1933
Waiting List for "3 Pigs"
Cleveland—A waiting list of 100 dates for "Three Little Pigs" is reported by M. A. Goodman, local United Artists manager. The cartoon is in its fifth week downtown.
November 16, 1933
With the idea of dispelling the growing impression that he already is a millionaire and that "Three Little Pigs" will net him another fortune, Walt Disney yesterday issued, through United Artists, his distribution channel, the following figures on cartoon costs and receipts:
"After 19 weeks of unprecedented popularity, 'Three Little Pigs' has not returned cost of prints, and Disney's profit won't exceed $25,000 over a period of two years from all world markets.
"An optimistic estimate of the gross on this short would be $125,000.
"Average cost of a 'Mickey Mouse' short is $18,000; a 'Silly Symphony,' $20,000.
"Counting distribution costs, 'Pigs' must gross from $60,000 to $75,000 to break even, and even the net over this does not all go to Disney.
"Reported $400,000 annual income for Disney is gross income, with net being far less.
"Disney has made an investment in plant and pictures totaling $750,000, which has not been returned yet."
Ralph Wilk column
The second cartoon in the new series being produced by the Van Beuren Corp., featuring "The Little King" character created by O. Soglow, has the kingdom adopting the N.R.A. to solve its depression problems. "Marching Along" is the title.
November 20, 1933
P. A. Powers to Start Color Cartoon Series
P. A. Powers, president of Celebrity Productions, is on his way to Beverly Hills in connection with story and production details on the new series of "ComiColor Cartoons" to be put on the independent market by Celebrity. The shorts will be made in color by the Cine-Color process. Official announcement is now being prepared by C. J. Giegerich, in charge of sales and exploitation.
November 22, 1933
Circuits Book Color Cartoon
Arthur J. Newman of Beverly Hills Productions has sold the one-reel colored cartoon, "Snowman," to the RKO, Warner, Skouras, Walter Reade, Century, Hattem and Snapper circuits. The short is the first of a series of 12.
Phil M. Daly column
• • • REQUESTS FROM art galleries from all parts of the country . . . for the exhibition of the original drawings on Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphonies . . . have made it necessary for the College Art Association, which is touring the drawings, to revise its schedule to accommodate all the requests.
December 1, 1933
Sam Jacobson Supervising All Van Beuren Production
Sam Jacobson, former director-in-chief of Universal Newsreel and recently a production supervisor at the Universal coast studios, has been engaged by Amedee J. Van Beuren to supervise all Van Beuren Corp. production units. George Stallings has been advanced to head the cartoon department, succeeding Gene Rodemich, who resigned Wednesday [November 29]. Rodemich also handled the musical scores of the cartoons and that department has been taken over by Winston Sharples, who formerly assisted Rodemich. Units that will come under Jacobson's supervision are the Meyer Davis, Aesop's Fables, Soglow cartoons, Vagabond Adventure, one other short subject unit and two features now under way. One feature is the new Frank Buck adventure film to be released next season by RKO. The Vagabond unit will continue under the co-operative direction of Charles Spaulding and Alois Havrilla.
December 4, 1933
Victor Records Disney Tunes
A group of the best known Silly Symphony and Mickey Mouse songs have been recorded by RCA Victor and are being brought out in a special children's album of "Picture Records" which have actual pictures of the famous Walt Disney characters under the transparent surfaces of the discs. The songs, with vocals sung by Frank Luther, include, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf," "In a Silly Symphony," "Mickey Mouse and Minnie's in Town," "Lullaby Land of Nowhere," and "Dance of the Bogey Men."
December 6, 1933
Second Soviet Film Program
Second in the series of film showings by the Film & Photo League at the New School for Social Research will take place Saturday. The program will be all-educational and scientific, including "Mechanics of the Brain," "Problem of Fatigue" and "Master of Existence." The latter is an animated cartoon dealing with the question of cleanliness and hygiene in Russia, using marionettes for its characters. Performances will be at 7 P. M. and 9:30 P. M.
December 7, 1933
Reviving Cartoon for Xmas
Vitaphone is re-releasing "The Shanty Where Santa Claus Lives," Merrie Melodie cartoon, for Holiday bookings.
December 9, 1933
Particularly adaptable to Holiday season exploitation are the various toys, souvenirs and even articles of a more useful nature bearing the Mickey Mouse trademark and manufactured by about 25 different firms under license from Walt Disney, producer of the Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony animated cartoons distributed by United Artists.
The items include children's toys and novelties, manufactured by the big firm of George Borgfeldt & Co., New York; novelty jewelry, Cohn & Rosenberger, New York; illustrated story books, David McKay, Inc., Philadelphia; Mickey Mouse candy, Brandle & Smith, Philadelphia; paper cut-outs, Collins-Kirk, Inc., Chicago; children's stationery, Davis & Holly, New York; pencil boxes, Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey City; caps, pennants, banners, etc., Fisch & Co., Los Angeles; greeting cards, favors, etc., Hall Bros., Kansas City; purses and pocket books, Herz & Kory, New York; baby silverware, etc., International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn.; bathroom accessories and baby gifts, Richard G. Kreuger, Inc., New York; flicker books, Moviescope, New York; ties and neckwear, D. H. Neumann Co., New York; knitted underwear, Norwich Knitting Co., Norwich, N. Y.; covers and snuggle rungs, Rock Run Mills, Inc., Goshen, Ind.; paint books, Saalfield Publishing Co., Akron; chinaware, Schumann China Corp., New York; boys' belts, M. Slifka & Sons, New York; door stops, Foster D. Snell Corp., Rochester, N. Y.; boys' blouses, pajamas, play dresses, etc., Thomas P. Taylor Co., Bridgeport, Conn.; art needlework and novelties, Vogue Needlecraft Co., New York; handkerchiefs, Volz & Fawcett, New York; masquerade costumes, Wornova Mfg. Co., New York.

Department store Christmas tie-ups in conjunction with both the Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony shorts released through United Artists have become widely popular. Many stores are building their entire holiday campaign around these Walt Disney subjects, using Mickey as a central theme for their advertising and window displays.
In New York the Bloomingdale store has prepared an especially pretentious campaign which will be backed by considerable cut-outs and figures of Mickey Mouse and the Silly Symphony subjects. In many stores, it is claimed, Mickey is scheduled to supplant Santa Claus. Lord & Taylor, Frederick Loeser's and other big stores also are using Disney displays.
Cut-outs and animated papier mache figures of Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Horace Horsecollar, Clarabelle Cow and the Goof, will also play an important part in the holiday program.
Two of the Silly Symphonies provided the basis of other Christmas campaigns. Last year's subject, "Santa's Workshop," is offering many unusual possibilities for tie-ups between theaters and department stores. This year's Christmas Silly Symphony, "The Night Before Christmas," is even better.
December 11, 1933
Cartoon Studio Expands
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Increasing demand for animated cartoons in color is resulting in expansion and development of the Animated Pictures Corp. studio, it is announced by Ub Iwerks, studio head. Staff will be increased, space will be enlarged, new equipment acquired and personnel divided into several units each capable of producing individual pictures.

December 13, 1933
Phil M. Daly column
From Charles Giegerich of Celebrity Productions we learn that it was Ub Iwerks himself who made those bright and snappy colored cartoons used in yesterday's "Jack and the Beanstalk" insert . . . and that the pictures are faithful illustrations from the animated cartoon.
December 15, 1933
Phil M. Daly column
Here's a tribute to the genius of Walt Disney . . . a complete short subject program of Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony films will be shown at Carnegie Hall Dec. 27 to 30 inclusive . . . Mrs. Joseph Sonneborn is sponsoring the show for the United Parents Association . . . and of course "The Three Little Pigs" heads the program.
December 18, 1933
Second All-Disney Show
Another All-Walt Disney short subject program will be sponsored before Christmas for a special benefit. Mrs. Lothair S. Kohnstramm is sponsoring a program at the Plaza theater on Dec. 28 at 10 A. M. for the benefit of the School Nature League. This organization is responsible for the numerous lectures held for school children at the Museum of Natural History.
December 19, 1933
Disney Awarded Medal For Service to Children
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Walter Disney yesterday was awarded "The Parents' Magazine" medal for distinguished service to children in appreciation of his contribution to the happiness of the kids by his Silly Symphony and Mickey Mouse cartoons. Presentation was made at a luncheon in the Disney Studio attended by leaders in child welfare and education.
Charles Alicote column
Otto Soglow, creator of the famous "Little King," has drawn a special Christmas animated cartoon subject for RKO-Van Beuren wherein the merry monarch becomes a Good Samaritan with charitable purpose and comic effect.
December 20, 1933
Daughter to Walt Disney
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—A daughter was born to Walt Disney. The newcomer, named Diane Marie Disney, arrived while her famous father was at a luncheon being awarded a medal for distinguished service to kids through the medium of his cartoon comedies.
Big Booking for "Beanstalk"
In a booking that aggregates 350 playing dates, "Jack and the Beanstalk" ComiColor cartoon released by Celebrity and distributed here by Principal Exchanges, will play the entire RKO and Warner circuits in the metropolitan area for the full seven days next week.
December 22, 1933
400 Local Disney Dates Xmas Week
More than 400 houses in the metropolitan area will be playing Disney's Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony subjects Christmas week, according to United Artists, which distributes the cartoons. "Night Before Christmas," "Lullaby Land" and "Santa's Workshop" are among the principal bookings.
December 23, 1933
New Iwerks Color Cartoon
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Ub Iwerks of Animated Pictures Corp. has completed "The Little Red Hen," a ComiColor animated cartoon, which will be distributed by Allied Pictures Corp.
Spanish "3 Pigs" at Rivoli
Having already been shown on Broadway in English and French, Walt Disney's "Three Little Pigs" will be shown in a Spanish version starting today at the Rivoli in conjunction with Eddie Cantor in "Roman Scandals."
December 28, 1933
Big Deal on Cartoons
In a deal closed by Jack Drum, manager of Allied exchanges for Southern California, Celebrity's ComiColor cartoon series has been booked for the West Coast Theaters circuit, Hollywood Theaters group and the Southern California Warner houses with exception of two.
Disney Aids NRA
About 10,000 persons have been provided work by about 70 manufacturers turning out toys, novelties, watches, etc., in tieups with Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse and Silly Symphony characters, according to a checkup by United Artists, distributors of the Disney shorts.
Fairbanks Film Premiere At Exhibition in Venice
Venice—One of the pictures to be shown at the second International Exhibition of Cinematograph Art here in August will be the world premiere of the Douglas Fairbanks picture made by London Films in England. Fairbanks himself will be present on the occasion. A series of specially made color cartoons by Disney and Fleischer also will be shown.
Ralph Wilk column
Leon Schlesinger, who is producing the "Looney Tunes" and "Merrie Melodies," and who is also the owner of the Pacific Title and Art studio, tossed a Christmas luncheon in honor of all his employees. A stage at Warner Bros. Sunset studio was the scene of the festivities.
Mickey Mouse Gets Front Page Space
AS a production campaign for the start of the Mickey Mouse comic cartoon strip in its columns, the St. Louis "Star and Times" ushered in a great teaser ad campaign which carried Mickey Mouse on the front page of that newspaper for an entire week with ads ranging from 160 to 435 lines. On the fifth day an entire page was devoted to the arrival in St. Louis of Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney's famous character. That same afternoon a character, seven feet tall, dressed as Mickey Mouse, arrived in a private suite on the crack Sunshine Special train of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, coming direct from Hollywood. Mickey was met by a group of St. Louis dignitaries and whisked to the Coronado Hotel where he occupied the Queen Marie suite. The following day, Saturday, the St. Louis "Star and Times" broke with a seven-column art display on Mickey with the final announcement that Mickey Mouse cartoons would be a daily feature of the paper beginning the following Monday. On Sunday, Mickey again was feted and attended a local football game where he was cheered. Later he received the following wire from Walt Disney: "Dear Mickey: Glad to hear you have arranged with 'Chic' Evans to give a free show at Loew's State theater next Saturday for boy and girl readers of the 'Star and Times.' Wish could be there with you to meet all of our little friends."
December 29, 1933
"Red Riding Hood" Becomes "Wolf"
Walt Disney's new Silly Symphony, formerly called "Little Red Riding Hood," has been re-titled "The Big Bad Wolf." Popularity achieved by the song, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf," led to the change.
Ralph Wilk column
"I believe 'The Three Little Pigs' is probably the most successful of all anti-depression measures," said Mrs. Marion Savage Sabin, in presenting to Walt Disney the "Parents' Magazine" medal for distinguished service to children. Toastmaster Dr. Rufus B. von KleinSmid, president of the University of Southern California, declared Disney's pictures afforded a daily Christmas and that children would vote Disney Santa Claus.
December 30, 1933
Amos 'n' Andy Cartoon Released
"The Rasslin' Match," first Amos 'n' Andy cartoon in the series being produced by Van Beuren for RKO release, has been booked into the RKO Music Hall starting Jan. 4 and will play the entire New York RKO Circuit of 40 houses starting Jan. 6.

July 3, 1933
"Sing, Sister, Sing"
Paramount 9 mins. Novelty Cartoon
A Max Fleischer song cartoon featuring the Three X Sisters. This trio does several songs in costume at the piano while the lines are thrown on the screen with the dancing white ball marking the time. The cartoon end is clever, with the setting a department store and all the animals doing their bits with the mouse and the cat as hero an villain, respectively. Lively and diversified with the injection of the human actors.
July 12, 1933
"Bosko's Knight-Mare" (Looney Tunes)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Peppy Cartoon
An adventure of Bosko, who dreams that he is a knight at the ancient court of King Arthur, where he pulls his modern stuff on the Knights of the Round Table. There is plenty of excitement when the villain knight abducts the fair heroine. Bosko awakes in the middle of a hot fight to find that it's all a dream. The modern treatment of the knights in armor is clever and has plenty of laughs.
"The Bully's End" (Aesop Fable)
Radio 7 mins. Action Cartoon
One of the barnyard operas in cartoon, with a bout arranged between the rooster, the barnyard bully, and the little duck, who was successfully coached by the dog hero. The ringside atmosphere is carried out in detail, and there is plenty of action and excitement before pug duck knocks his big antagonist through the ropes.
"Wake Up the Gypsy in Me"
Vitaphone 7 mins. Peppy Cartoon
A lively Merrie Melody burlesquing the Russian revolution with the sinister "Rice Put Em" kidnapping the little gypsy girl and being blown up by the revolutionist. Tuneful and well done.
July 18, 1933
"Betty Boop's Big Boss" (Betty Boop Series)
Paramount 7 mins. Pep Cartoon
Max Fleischer's cartoon hotcha girl Betty Boop has an adventure with her new boss who tries to make love to her the first day she is on the job as his secretary. Betty sends in the alarm, and the navy, fire brigade and police reserves rush to her rescue, along with the state troopers. But by the time they tear the building down they find Betty likes the boss' attentions and is perfectly reconciled. Good and jazzy with the modern touch.
July 21, 1933
Betty Boop in "Mother Goose Land"
Paramount 8 mins. Cute Novelty
Betty is discovered reading in bed. The book is "Mother Goose" and as the cartoon progresses the various immortal characters come to life. Betty enters the fable and in trying to protect Miss Muffett, she is chased by the spider. All the other characters come to her rescue and the picture fades back to Betty in bed reading the book. Animation is fine and synchronization very satisfactory.
July 21, 1933
"The Old Man of the Mountain" with Cab Calloway's Orchestra
Paramount 6 Mins. Good Betty Boop Cartoon
To the tune of Cab Calloway's music and vocalizing, this Max Fleischer animated unreels some amusing antics having to do with the kidnaping of Betty Boop by the Old Man of the Mountain and her rescue by the forest animals. A nicely concocted subject of its kind, the Calloway musical background being distinctive and the cartoon stuff amusing.
July 27, 1933
"Hook and Ladder Hokum" (Tom and Jerry Cartoon)
RKO 7 mins. Just Fair
Not much sense or continuity to this one. The lads do the usual stuff of tumbling into their firemen's uniforms, rushing to the fire, having trouble with the hose and making rescues. The time-worn stunt of holding a life net under a person about to jump and then moving away so that the character flops on the ground is worked into the cartoon. Not funny, but well drawn and synchronized.
"Fannie in the Lion's Den" (Paul Terry-Toon)
Educational-Fox 8 mins. Good Hoke Cartoon
The second in the series of burlesque mellers concerning the adventures of Fannie the heroine pursued by the villain and rescued by her western hero. The cartoons are all of human characters, and get away from the usual animal subjects. Fannie is again kidnaped by the villain, and rescued from a den of lions by the brave western hero. The action is done to original operatic scoring by Philip A. Scheib, with the actors singing their "dramatic" lines. Plenty original, clever and carrying the laughs.
August 7, 1933
"Stoopnocracy" with Col. Stoopnagle and Bud (Screen Song)
Paramount 10 mins. Good Animated
After a cartoon comedy introduction, Col. Stoopnagle and Bud appear as a couple of bughouse inmates playing around with g[] inventions. The lads dispense some of their nutty gags, and then [] is the closing sequence of singing to the accompaniment of the dancing ball. A very amusing subject of kind.
"Morning, Noon and Night" (Betty Boop Cartoon)
Paramount 7 mins. Very Good
With a swell musical recording with Dave Rubinoff and his orchestra. this Max Fleischer animated short is a thoroughly enjoyable bit. It deals with the birds and an[] the main action concerning a birdie being chased by a bunch of joyriding cats, with a fast and furious windup in boxing match style.
"Old King Cole" (Silly Symphony)
United Artists 7 mins. Great
Grownups and kids, but the youngters especially, will enjoy this animated a lot. Almost all of the characters from the Mother Goose rhymes are included in it, such as Red Riding Hood, Little Boy Blue Mother Hubbard, Bo-Peep, Simple Simon, Little Miss Muffet and a score of others, not forgetting Old King Cole himself. It is a remarkable job of cartooning that the kids will appreciate.
August 9, 1933
"Lullaby Land" (Silly Symphony)
United Artists 8 mins. One of the best
This is about the cutest and most entertaining of the series. It is delightfully handled and although its greatest appeal will be for children, the grown-ups are bound to enjoy it thoroughly. The cartoon opens showing a chubby baby and its stuffed doggie being rocked to sleep by the mother. Then comes the baby's dream in which the dog comes to life and follows the child through a land of fables and into a cave of things the little one should not touch. It is highly amusing and the color adds considerably to the appeal.
"Mickey's Gala Premiere" (Mickey Mouse Cartoon)
United Artists 8 mins. Swell
They'll go wild over this one which shows in caricature about 20 screen stars attending the Hollywood premiere of a Mickey Mouse cartoon. The various celebrities speak into the mike before entering the theater and are also shown watching and laughing at the picture on the screen. It is a Mickey Mouse cartoon in a Mickey Mouse cartoon. And it has nearly double the appeal and humor of any single release, which is going some.
August 14, 1933
"The False Alarm" (Scrappy Cartoon)
Columbia 6 mins. Amusing Animated
An enjoyable cartoon comedy with good action and funny gags. Scrappy is in the fire department with a plug horse that prefers its rest in the fire house to going out on call. Action revolves around various fire alarms, and the comedy an[] running to the fires, one of which turns out to be a false alarm turned in by a couple of birdies playing with the handle of an alarm box.
"When Yuba Plays the Rumba on the Tuba"
with Four Mills Brothers (Screen Song)
Paramount 9 mins Lively
Musical vocalizing by the Mills Brothers, radio and vaudeville headliners, provides the background to this snappy little Max Fleischer animated screen song number. There are a couple of sprightly cartoon sequences, one up in the clouds and the other dealing with a train chase, and in between comedy, a bouncing ball routine superior [] on the four colored boys doing their stuff. A very entertaining short of its kind.
August 19, 1933
"Shuffle Off to Buffalo" (Merrie Melodie)
Vitahone 7 mins. Dandy Animated Cartoon
Latest of these Harman-Ising cartoon comedies is one of the best yet, showing further advancement in story idea and execution. The action revolves around a baby supply house, where orders for infants are received and the storks are sent out to deliver. A cute idea to begin with, and the way it is worked out results in plenty of laughs and some big howls. Especially where the babies are washed, powdered and diapered under the mass production method like Ford uses in turning out flivvers. Some musical interpolations by the youngsters, including imitations of Chevalier, Cantor and others, also click.
August 19, 1933
"Cubby's World Flight" (An Aesop Fable)
RKO 8 mins. Just Fair
Nothing new or particularly clever in this one. The cartoon shows Cubby Bear making a world flight. The plane travels through barns, fences, mountains and huge waves, finally falling through the earth and coming out in China. Then the plane returns home via Russia, Italy and other countries and lands on the Statue of Liberty.
August 31, 1933
Tom and Jerry in "Doughnuts"
RKO 8 mins. Okay
Tom and Jerry believe they are the world champion doughnut makers, so they enter the Bakers Convention and compete for honors. Many new ways to make doughnuts are introduced by the lads. It all ends up when some booze is dumped into the dough and everyone goes daffy and the boys win the prize. Good animation, but only fair gags.
"Rough on Rats" Aesop's Fables
RKO 8 mins. A Dandy
Harry Bailey of the Fables staff is credited with this cartoon, which stands out above the average. It is about three little kittens and a big, bad rat. The gags are fast and funny and the kiddies should like it immensely.
September 23, 1933
O. Soglow's "The Little King" ("The Fatal Note")
RKO Radio 9 mins. Good Cartoon
An animated adaptation of Soglow's cartoon series, "The Little King." In this one the king saves himself from the anarchist who is trying to kill him. The antics of the king and his pet dog make for plenty of laughs, with the king finally foiling his pursuer and the populace crowding around to cheer.
"Beau Bosko" (Looney Tune)
Vitaphone 7 mins. Dandy Animated
A take-off on "Beau Geste," this Harman-Ising animated cartoon is a lively and very amusing number of its kind. Bosko, kewpie member of the Legion outpost, is sent out by the commander to bring in Ali Oop, a desert desperado. Not only does Bosko catch the villain, but he also gets himself a dusky harem beauty.
"The Pied Piper" (Silly Symphony)
United Artists 7 mins. Exceptional
Incredible though it may seem, these Walt Disney Silly Symphonies keep getting better every time. The latest is based on the fable of the Pied Piper who rid the Hamlin village of its rats on promise of being paid with a bag of gold, and then, when payment was refused, got even by enticing all the children away in the same manner. Handling of the story, with an operatic musical background and painstaking animation in color, is about the best of its kind to date.
"Out of the Ether" (Krazy Kat)
Columbia 7 Mins. Clever Cartoon
Clever play on words in adapting music to the cartoon technique. Taking one title as a cue, the work of the surgeon in the operating room with the ether is shown, but when the assistant surgeons fall back from the operating table, Krazy Kat is disclosed as the surgeon operating on his radio set. Then onto a magic carpet with the set, and Krazy Kat goes flying through the air waves, picking up the different programs. Several of the best known radio acts are burlesqued with plenty of laughs, such as Ed Wynn and Kate Smith. All the acts do their stuff on clouds for platforms.
"Movie Struck" (Charles Mintz)
Columbia 7 mins. Nice Burlesque
Scrappy the Kid is shown with his new baby star whom he signs up for a Hollywood contract. Then into the studio stuff, with Scrappy and his meal ticket being put to work in the studio dining room as a starter. A series of prominent stars are presented in clever caricature doing their typical stuff. They include Greta Garbo, Jimmy Durante, Joe E. Brown, George Arliss and the Four Marx Brothers. A very lively reel with good comedy slants in the burlesque of the stars.
September 27, 1933
Popeye the Sailor in "I Yam What Yam"
Paramount 7 mins. Pip Animated Cartoon
Popeye of cartoon fame bids fair to become one of the most popular of cartoon comedy favorites as well. The Max Fleischer studio has done a swell job in putting the super-strong sailor on the screen, and the way old Popeye slugs around is almost a continuous roar. Arriving on a redskin island, with one swing he knocks a whole forest into the air, broken up into evenly cut logs that fall and settle themselves into a perfectly constructed cabin. Then Popeye gives it to the Indians, who attack the cabin and nearly put an end to his sweetie, Olive Oil.
October 6, 1933
"Jack and the Beanstalk" (Once Upon a Time Series)
P. A. Powers 7 mins. Swell Color Cartoon
Kids will go wild about this one. It is entirely in color and the animation which was handled by U. B. Iwerks is unusually smooth. The story carries out the immortal fable with several up-to-date gags interpolated. Musical background fits the mood. Cinecolor was the process used.
"The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon" (Looney Tune)
Vitaphone 6 mins. A Dandy
This is the first in this series under the able pen of Leon Schlesinger and it ranks among the best in cartoon comedies. Gags are plentiful and laughs come in quick succession. It is all about the troubles of a man spoon and a pretty lady dish who are pursued by a big ugly wad of dough. The film starts with a bang and never lets up on action or humor.
Mickey Mouse in "The Steeple Chase"
United Artists 7 mins. Swell
Right up to the standard set by this Walt Disney series. Shows Mickey Mouse doing his stuff on a steeplechase course, with the usual interventions, comedy gags, etc., and the final victory for Mickey. The cartoon has a musical score by Frank E. Churchill, who is famous since he wrote the "Big Bad Wolf" ditty for "Three Little Pigs."
October 13, 1933
"Technochracket" (Scrappy Cartoon)
Columbia 7 mins. Okay
Produced some months ago at the time Technocracy was in the news, this Charles B. Mintz animated cartoon is a diverting subjects of a kind aside from the timeliness of the idea. It shows Scrappy converting his farm to a technocratic state, replacing the livestock, farm hands, etc., with mechanical counterparts. But the ousted members finally revolt and, while Scrappy is asleep they throw a monkeywrench into the machinery, causing all the apparatus to blow up and thereby restoring the old order.
October 17, 1933
Popeye the Sailor in "Blow Me Down"
Paramount 6 mins. Swell Cartoon
A set-to between Popeye and a tough bandit, in a cabaret where Olive Oyl is a dancer, furnishes the basis of action for this lively subject. It's another fast and funny affair, with the bandit coming in and shooting up the works, after which he and Popeye match strength. The bandit, unable to win alone, rings in his gang of desperadoes, but Popeye swallows a wad of spinach and cleans up the works.
October 28, 1933
Krazy Kat in "Out of the Ether"
Columbia 7 mins. Dandy Cartoon
One of the best of the animated cartoons to come out of the Charles B. Mintz shops. Opens with a hospital operating room scene, and, after some suspense has been built up, it is revealed that Krazy and his staff had been fixing a radio set. Then follows a series of caricatures of noted air entertainers, all done in snappy and tuneful style.
October 28, 1933
Mickey Mouse in "The Pet Store"
United Artists 7 mins. Dandy Cartoon
In addition to antics in a bird store which Mickey is left to watch, this animated subject includes some excitement by Bimbo, movie gorilla, who imitates King Kong and runs off with Minnie. Re-enactment of the Empire State Building scene, with Mickey making a hilarious rescue, is the highlight of the short. Nice musical score accompanies it.
November 13, 1933
Betty Boop in "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers"
Paramount 7 mins. Very Good Cartoon
Recorded by Rubinoff and his orchestra, this animated comedy based on the title song is full of action, tuneful and generally satisfying. It shows Betty in a toy shop, where the toys come to life and do stunts, with one big ape running wild whereupon the other toys rush to Betty's rescue and the proceedings wind up with a march led by Betty.
November 16, 1933
"Beanstalk Jack"
Educational 7 mins. A Winner
A very clever and funny adaptation of the fairy tale yarn to the animated technique, with a comedy cap as Jack climbing the beanstalk to the castle of the giant in the clouds. There he experiences some exciting adventures and escapes the terrible ogre and slides back down the beanstalk with the goose that lays the golden eggs that save the old lady from losing the old homestead. It hits the new note in cartoons sounded by "Three Little Pigs" and should prove immensely popular.
November 16, 1933
"Old King Cole" (Silly Symphony)
United Artists 7 mins. Good Technicolor Cartoon
In this color animated the various well-known characters of the fairy books, from the Pied Piper down to the Three Blind Mice, come out of their volumes and appear in a sort of review before Old King Cole, who joins in the games like a kid himself. After the playing is over, the characters return to their respective books. It's an all-around enjoyable affair.
November 21, 1933
Mickey Mouse in "Mickey's Nightmare"
United Artists 7 mins. Swell
After, Mickey has said his prayers and crawled into bed, his dog Pluto sneaks in beside him and proceeds to lick Mickey's face. This sets Mickey to dreaming he is being kissed by Minnie, and he sees himself married with about two dozen kids who turn the house upside down. Then he wakes up, realizes it was a dream, and rejoices that he is single. An excellent subject in the animated cartoon line.
November 23, 1933
"Bosko's Mechanical Man" (Looney Tune)
Good Vitaphone 7 mins
In order to get out of working Bosko creates a mechanical man by putting together a lot of odds and ends from flat-irons to stove-pipes. Then the robot starts in to cut capers, doing a lot of destruction, until it finally blows up. An entertaining animated cartoon.
November 24, 1933
"Merry Old Soul"(Oswald Cartoon)
Universal 8 mins. Peppy
An Oswald cartoon, with the funny rabbit doing the pinch hitting for Old King Cole's three merry fiddlers. Oswald stages some clever caricatures of Hollywood celebs including Chaplin, Garbo, Durante, Mae West and the Marx Brothers. Winds up in a grand pie-throwing contest, with the king joining in. Has plenty of comedy and fast action.
November 29, 1933
The Little King in "On the Pan" (Soglow Cartoon)
RKO 7 mins. Fair
This is the third of the series produced by Van Beuren. The King decides to go hunting wild game. With much pomp he departs, but forgets his rubbers. The royal faithful dog is dispatched to take the rubbers to the king who meanwhile has been captured by cannibals and is being prepared for the feast of the tribe. The dog arrives and when the king escapes the rubbers are substituted on the pan. The cannibals eat the rubbers and blow up. Some laughs, but nothing outstanding.
December 4, 1933
Merry Old Soul" (Oswald cartoon)
Universal 7 mins. Good Animated
Animated cartoon comedy that makes enjoyable diversion of its kind, although on a less pretentious scale than some of these subjects. For booking consideration, it has a holiday angle.
"She Done Him Right" (Pooch the Pup cartoon)
Universal 7 mins. Good Animated
Another of the many take-offs on Mae West. This time Mae's counterpart is Poodles, a canine singing siren, and Pooch is a billposter out plastering the town with bills heralding her arrival, which gets all the town excited. A villain makes off with Poodles, with Pooch promptly saving her. A vocal rendition of a "Minnie the Moocher" is included with good effect.
December 14, 1933
"Santa's Workshop" (Silly Symphony)
United Artists 7 mins. Dandy
A grand animated cartoon comedy in color. It shows Santa Claus going over the list of kids who have written him for presents, while his workshops are busy turning out toys in mass quantity like a flivver factory. Then Old Nick loads his sleigh and drives off on his merry mission. Will please young and old, at Yuletide or anytime.
"The Night Before Christmas" Silly Symphony
United Artists 8 mins. Aces
This one is a treat for the eye and ear. Santa Claus, his reindeer, toys that march, prance and play tricks on each other and a bag full of gags that are sure to please every child and grown-up, make this one of Walt Disney's best cartoons. Color is fine and Christmas carols sung by an excellent quarette [sic] form a most pleasing background. It is a gem.
December 22, 1933
Oswald in "Parking Space"
Universal 7 mins. Swell Cartoon
Cleverly conceived, this cartoon unfolds the idea of a baby checking department, which goes up in flames when one of the infants, after downing a bottle of black ink, turns negress and does a hot dance which sets the place blazing. Windup is amusing as are the incidents which preceded the conflagration.
Oswald in "Chicken Reel"
Universal 9 mins. Good Cartoon
An amusing conception in which the "illegitimate" duckling disowned by mother, father and farmyard, effects a rescue of his entire family when a flood threatens extinction. Fertile in invention this is another good Oswald comedy.
December 28, 1933
"The Sunny South"
Educational 6 mins. Pleasing
Satisfactory vocal and musical accompaniment combined with a well-developed idea makes this a pleasant cartoon. Animation shows cotton picking scenes and then home of gay negro mammy and pickaninnies. Simon Legree is introduced and there follows a hot pursuit, including a chase over the ice a la Uncle Tom, in which he first tries to seize one of the pickaninnies and then goes after the mammy.
December 30, 1933
Popeye the Sailor in "Wild Elephinks"
Paramount 6 mins. Very Funny Cartoon
Landing with Olive Oyl on a tropical island, after a rough sea trip, Popeye proceeds to fight the wild animals as fast as they come on. He makes quick work of all of them, from snakes to elephants, knocking the cats for a whole wardrobe of furs, and swinging off an elephant by the tail for a finale.
Tremendous post! I don't envy you transcribing all this, but it's vitally important to carry this information into the digital age - and I thank you for doing it. Researchers should note, FIlm Daily is very good - but it isn't the whole story. Ultimately a full examination of all the trades - including Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Boxoffice, Motion Picture Herald, Motion Picture Exhibitor, and others - will reveal the whole picture. Many of us spent years going through the physical copies of all these magazines, page by page (there are bound volumes at the Academy's Margaret Herrick Library in Hollywood and I believe likewise at New York's Lincoln Center's Library of the Performing Arts) and know how difficult it is to cull this information. Thanks Don. Keep Yowping!
ReplyDeleteAgreed with Jerry above....very fun reading these trade clippings..Steve C.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame the people at 'Boxoffice' elected not to make their on-line archives text-searchable. I gather 'Variety' is behind a paywall and 'The Hollywood Reporter' isn't available on-line (and was pretty skimpy in content in the one year that's at archive.org).
ReplyDelete'The Film Daily' seems to have paid less and less attention to cartoon shorts as the '40s rolled along. Part of it may have been because cartoon studios were swallowed by major studios. Leon Schlesinger only had cartoons to promote in the trades. When Warners bought his studio, it continued to promote bread-winning features. Cartoons weren't money-makers, so why promote them?
In regards to who directed Pettin in the Park it is possible that Earl Hurd could have been the director on that cartoon, as well as the other Bernard Brown cartoon Those Were Wonderful Days. Hurd had previously directed cartoons before. He probably left the studio before he had the chance to be credited.
ReplyDeleteSteve, it's possible, considering he was overseeing layouts.
ReplyDeleteHe was at Iwerks by January 1934 so, yeah, his stay with Leon was six months.
Remember the anecdote about, I think, George Sidney asking Disney if MGM could use Mickey Mouse in ANCHORS AWEIGH, and Disney replying "Mickey Mouse has never been in an MGM film, and never will!" Was Disney's memory that bad? Anecdote is probably apochryphal.