They fall after unable to budge whatever it is. No matter. The tail belongs to a rat, which comes out of its hole. This being a Van Beuren cartoon, the kittens are a basic design. The rat turns into a circle at times.

I like the design of the rat. But what’s with the silly expressions on the kittens? Shouldn’t they recoil in fear?

The rat turns into a circle again. This part of the scene shows Van Beuren tried to add a little extra. After capturing the black kitten, the rat hoists up the other two by its tail and then drops them. The rat could just have easily turned and gone back into its hole without the additional action.

Rough on Rats tries to be a pleasant, Disney-like atmosphere cartoon with the kittens frolicking without evoking laughs. There’s even a happy, Disney-like song with a female chorus. But the kittens are nowhere drawn as well as anything at Disney and they don’t have any individual personalities.
Still, I like this cartoon. It doesn’t drag and we get a climax where the kittens vanquish the rat with everything in sight, as the female chorus ooooos ominously. Harry Bailey directed.
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