Thursday 7 April 2022

Deems Fudd

Freeze-frame some animation and what looks like flowing movement under director Bob Clampett reveals a raft of quirky poses.

Here are some random frames from the opening of A Corny Concerto (1943), where Elmer Fudd fails miserably at being concert music commentator Deems Taylor a la Fantasia, thanks to a dickey that won’t stay down.

Only the Clampett unit would have a character with his hands down his pants.

Clampett cuts to a closer shot. Fudd’s hands are the best part of this, but there’s also a continual flow of facial expressions.

Bob McKimson is the credited animator on screen. Dick Thomas is the background artist.


  1. Rod Scribner does the close-up of Elmer, Yowp.

    1. Thanks, Mark. I had written that, then deleted it after I posted because I wasn't altogether certain.

  2. I'm still alternately surprised and relieved that no one's attempted "Encore Corny Concerto."
