Monday 20 December 2021

Gopher Stretch

Should the gophers open the trunk that says “Not To Be Opened Until Xmas”? One gopher inspects the label. His head enlarges as he moved toward the label.

When the gopher's head moves back, we get some stretch in-betweens.

Two Gophers From Texas is a tour-de-force for Emery Hawkins, who draws the dog at all angles and with different sized eyes. Don Williams, Bill Melendez and Basil Davidovich also animated this 1948 Warners release. Art Davis directing.


  1. This looks like a Don Williams scene to me, Yowp.

  2. I liked the gophers more in these early cartoons than in the later ones, when they pretty much stopped being goofy and instead ran that "deferentially courteous" routine into the ground.
