Thursday 19 September 2019


The early, crazed Daffy Duck isn’t the only one at Warner Bros. who jumped around, turning cartwheels, while yelling with excitement. Porky Pig’s cat does it when he’s told they’re having fish for dinner.

This is one of those cartoons where a bird goes “Now I’ve seen everything” and shoots himself to death.

Vive Risto and Dave Hoffman are the credited animators in The Sour Puss. Izzy Ellis, John Carey and Norm McCabe likely worked on this cartoon as well. It was released in 1940.

1 comment:

  1. You also had Daffy Fish later in this cartoon, after you had a differet Daffy Cat earlier, in "Patient Porky". Clampett pretty much was going daffy himself by 1940, trying to figure out a way to do funny cartoons while having to put Porky in every Looney Tune -- Leon's decision by the end of the year that all four units would do color Merrie Melodies and B&W Looney Tunes (which no longer had to feature Porky), must have felt like a get out of animated jail free card for Bob.
