Cartoon news items, other than financial stories about Disney, were starting to get pretty sparse in Daily. Perhaps because it was a New York-based publication, it missed cartoon items from West Coast-based studios. There were two big changes at Warner Bros. in 1945, neither revealed in Daily. Ray Katz quit as the cartoon studio’s General Manager (Variety, April 13th) after a two-month illness. And Bob Clampett left as a director by May (Hollywood Cartoons, Michael Barrier). Both found their way over to Columbia before long. Warners, meanwhile, said it "will introduce a new character in the Bugs Bunny cartoon series, a violin-playing rabbit tabbed Jack Bunny. Latter is not a native of Waukegan" (Variety, Jan. 23). Presumably, it meant the Daffy Duck cartoon “Book Revue.”
At Columbia, there was yet another change. Sammy Timberg was hired to be musical director for all the company’s short subjects, including cartoons, and to be the studio’s contact and rep at its Screen Gems cartoon studio. (Variety, March 8). I don’t believe he ever got a screen credit on a Columbia cartoon. He was still being credited in 1944 with musical arrangement of Famous Studio cartoons in New York City. Hugh McCollum was appointed executive head of Screen Gems.
United Artists seemed to be having some success with its “Daffy Ditties” stop-motion shorts produced by the Sutherland and Morey studio, with shorts being translated into Spanish, French and Portuguese (Variety, Feb. 6th). But Ed Nassour sued Sutherland, Morey, Henry Lion and Herbert A. Huebner, claiming they pirated his process (Variety, Jan. 11th).
Ar MGM, work was proceeding on the animated sequence in “Anchor’s Aweigh.” Jack Cosgriff returned as a story man (Variety, June 27) and production began on “Mop-Up” for the Signal Corps (Variety, June 28).
Ted Eshbaugh was back—but it seems his plans for a theatrical release ended up being restricted to one flag-waving cartoon. Hugh Harman looked at setting up something in South America (Variety, Jan. 16), and sued 20th Century Fox for $1,072,900 damages charging breach of contract over a 936-foot live action/action sequence for "Billy Rose’s Diamond Horseshoe" (Variety, May 31st). Harman’s post-MGM career story seems to consist mainly of cartoons that never got made.
Walter Lantz had new things on his mind but they all didn’t quite come to fruition. He was set to try a stop-motion process (whether any shorts were made in that format, I don’t know). He gave up on the idea of a studio in Mexico “for the duration” because of a lack of material and personel, though he hired animator Pete Burness during a three-week trip there (Variety, Jan. 10). He hired Nestor Paiva to play a villain in a Woody Woodpecker cartoon (Variety, March 23) but voice historian Keith Scott writes: "I think he was replaced in BATHING BUDDIES by Jack Mather...it's definitely Mather as the prissy narrator. Will Wright did Wally in THE RECKLESS DRIVER but one line sounds like Paiva. Also think Paiva does the Indian in BARBER OF SEVILLE." He signed Del Porter to write lyrics for an original tune to be used in a “Reddy Kilowatt” commercial (Variety, Jan. 19) and to sing “Up Jumped the Devil In a White Nightgown” in “Apple Andy” (Variety, March 13). Incidentally, Reddy was voiced by Walter Tetley (Variety, Feb. 28). And if you’re wondering why Lantz never made any more cartoons featuring Miss X from “Abou Ben Boogie,” The Film Daily reported he ran afoul of censors. Too bad as Pat Matthews did a fine job on the two cartoons she was in.
The Film Daily reports on the early rumblings of UPA, known then as Industrial Film, with references to John Hubley and Zack Schwartz. What it doesn’t mention is the company was set to begin production on a film based on “Races of Man,” a booklet banned by the U.S. Army (Variety, June 26). It, of course, became the famous “Brotherhood of Man.”
So here’s what The Film Daily had to say about the animation world in the first half of 1945.
January 4, 1945
"Weapon of War" Goes Out
The method by which the Nazis employ hate propaganda to spread fear and disunity are illustrated in animated form in the Army Pictorial Service cartoon film "Weapon of War," now being distributed regionally by the WAC in the New York and Los Angeles territory. Territories will be added as prints become available.
January 8, 1945
Educators See "Caballeros"
Thirteen hundred educators attending the American Museum of Natural History's first Visual Aids Institute for Teachers, in New York City, saw a screening on Friday night of Walt Disney's RKO Radio-released "The Three Caballeros."
January 11, 1945
WB Gross Soars; Net in Dip
Fiscal Position improved, Stockholders Told
[Harry] Warner informs the stockholders that during the fiscal year the position of the company improved in five important respects. First was further debt reduction...The second factor was the acquisition of Leon Schlesinger Productions, makers of "Merrie Melodies" and "Looney Tunes" animated cartoons.
January 19, 1945
Reissue of "Snow White" Swells Disney's Income
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Walt Disney Productions net income for the year ended Sept. 30, last, was reported at $486,287 after provision of $221,000 for income taxes and $397,736 for additional losses on inventories. This may be compared to a net report of $431,536 for the previous year.
"Snow White," cartoon feature film first issued in 1937, accounted for "a substantial portion" of the Walt Disney Productions' income last year. The company expects to draw heavily on re-issue films this year. The company's annual report also shows that the U. S. and Canada accounted for 56 per cent of the Disney market, England 25 per cent, other countries 10 per cent.
January 19, 1945
Disney's "Caballeros" Gets Peak Latin-American Coin
The highest grosser of any film, foreign or domestic, ever to play in the Latin-American countries, Walt Disney's 'The Three Caballeros" is establishing new records in Mexico City, Lima, Peru, and San Jose, Costa Rica, it was reported by Leo F. Samuels, foreign manager for Disney.
Samuels, who just returned to the New York office after a three months' tour of the Caribbean area and Central America where he set up the sales policy on this latest Disney feature, said that "Snow White" will be re-issued in the Latin-American countries after the "Caballeros" playoff. Both these films, and the 18 shorts listed on the 1944-45 program, will be released in the Spanish and Portuguese versions for this territory.
The foreign head added that "Snow White" was re-issued in France during Christmas, using prints that were salvaged during the German occupation.
Samuels also said that he is planning a Spring tour of the Argentine and Brazil.

February 6, 1945
Disney Pic Sets Globe Mark
A new opening day record for the Globe Theater, Broadway, was established Saturday with Walt Disney's "The Three Caballeros," it was announced yesterday. Week-end business was reported to have been 38 per cent higher than for any previous picture.
February 7, 1945
UA Announces Titles of Four More “Daffy Dittys”
With the first of the United Artists Daffy Dittys Technicolor short subjects, "The Cross-Eyed Bull," now being booked by leading major and independent circuits, Carl Leserman, UA general manager, has announced the titles of the next four subjects in this cartoon series. Other Morey & Sutherland subjects in the series will be "The Flying Jeep," "The Lady Says No," "Pepito's Serenade" and "Choo Choo Amigo."
Disney Reports 13-Week Net at $371,000
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—Net income of Walt Disney Prods, for 13 weeks ended Dec. 30, 1944 amounted to $371,000 before provision for income taxes and subject to fiscal year-end adjustments.
This compares with a net income of $139,000 on the same basis for the corresponding period last year. Net current and working assets increased during quarter by $392,991 resulting from an increase of $386,523 in current and working assets and a decrease of $6,468 in current liabilities. Receipts from re-issue of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" contributed substantially to the company's increase.
February 9, 1945
Disney Prod.'s Appeal Decision Is Reserved
The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court yesterday reserved decision on the appeal by Walt Disney Productions and Kidder, Peabody & Co., investment bankers, from a judgment and order denying them a new trial in the suit brought by Michael Myerberg, theatrical producer, who was awarded $40,000 by a Supreme Court jury for services rendered in negotiating a deal which resulted in the underwriting of 150,000 shares of Disney preferred stock at a par value of $3,750,000.
The bankers in their appeal had contended that the jury verdict was against the weight of evidence. Disney held that Myerberg's arrangement with the firm breached his duty to the bankers, thus voiding the whole transaction as against public policy.
February 20, 1945
WALTER LANTZ has signed a five-year deal with Whitman Publishing under which the firm will print a new cartune magazine entitled "Walter Lantz Funnies."
Disney Pic Aids Veterans
Boston—The War Veterans Fund will receive proceeds of tonight's preview of Walt Disney's "The Three Caballeros" at the Majestic. The preview, sponsored by the Hearst papers, will be a reserved seat showing with tickets selling at $2.
February 27, 1945
Phil M. Daly column, New York
• Ideal Toy Co., New York doll manufacturer, will bring out an Andy Panda doll, designed after the Walter Lantz Cartunes character, under a deal just concluded.
March 6, 1945
WALTER LANTZ has set Walter Tetley to do the voice of Andy Panda in a new Cartune, "Apple Andy," which he’s producing for Universal.
March 8, 1945
$10,000 For Soldiers' Fund
Chicago — The Herald-American Purple Heart premiere of Walt Disney's "Three Caballeros" last night at the RKO Palace Theater netted $10,000 for the soldiers' fund.
March 9, 1945
Ralph Wilk column, Hollywood
GEORGE PAL plans feature Puppetoons based on well known children's books, combining actors with his puppets in live action on which he has been working for some time. Pal who trains out for New York today will confer there with his foreign representative, Arthur Padron, recently arrived in New York from Europe, to make plans to reopen his studios in Eindhoven, Holland, where Pal started before the war.
March 15, 1945
Rank Expands Again; Cartoons, This Time
London (By Cable) — J. Arthur Rank, still further expanding his industry activities, is entering the cartoon field, with David Hand heading the new organization, it was disclosed yesterday.
March 16, 1945
Cartoon: "Mouse Trouble." (M-G-M). Frederick C. Quimby, producer.
March 22, 1945
Phil M. Daly column, New York
• Didja know that Walt Disney plans to make a "Currier and Ives" feature? Sounds like a "natural," that one.
March 26, 1945
A Dual Anniversary For Producer Terry
This 30th anniversary of 20th-Fox is also a double anniversary for Paul Terry, president of Terrytoons, distributed by 20th- Fox. Just 30 years ago, Terry cartoon production in filmland, and this is his 10th-year with 20th-Fox. Making of his first cartoon subject required months of solitary, concentrated and continuous labor. Today he has a staff of more than 100 persons, turning out 20 Technicolor subjects annually for 20th -Fox.
March 28, 1945
Phil M. Daly column, New York.
That PCA edict which prohibits scenes showing a lady swing her hips across the screen has caused Walter Lantz to discard his glamour girl cartoon character, Miss XTC.
Disney Wins Reversal In Meyerberg Litigation
Walt Disney Productions and Kidder, Peabody & Co., investment bankers, have won a reversal of the $50,000 verdict against them in the suit brought by Michael Meyerberg for services allegedly rendered in the obtaining of a loan from the banking house by Disney. The reversal was made by the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court. Meyerberg sued for $70,000, asserting that he had arranged the deal between Disney and the bankers which resulted in the refinancing of Disney Productions in 1940 by the underwriting of 150,000 shares of six per cent preferred stock at a par value of $3,750,000. Meyerberg will take an appeal to the Court of Appeals.
March 29, 1945
Paramount Extends 'Puppetoons' Deal
Paramount has extended its releasing deal with George Pal for his "Puppetoons" for another year. Deal runs from the end of the current season's program to the end of next season's schedule, or until October, 1946.
April 16, 1945
"Peace on Earth" May Be Shown at Frisco Parley
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Probability that the short subject, "Peace on Earth," which Hugh Harman produced for M-G-M in 1940 and which was nomimated for the Nobel peace prize, will be shown on the program of the United Nations Conference in San Francisco, loomed strongly, when Harman's studio representatives were contacted by the State Department in Washington on the subject.
The Technicolor short, a cartoon with animal characters and a strong peace theme, won numerous citations, including the Good Housekeeping Magazine award and Parents Magazine award.
April 18, 1945
Phil M. Daly column
Walter Lantz has completed his 30th insignia for armed forces groups .... Latest shows Woody Woodpecker riding a Torpedo and will be used by a Torpedo Squadron based at San Diego.
April 27, 1945
Morgan to Hold Regional Meets on Para. Shorts
The [Paramount shorts] line-up of product for 1945-40 will be essentially the same as last year with a few minor changes. Instead of six George Pal Puppetoons in Technicolor, there will be eight. There will be... 20 Technicolor cartoons including eight Popeys, six Little Lulus and six Noveltoons.
Navy Men to See Disney Pix
A series of special travel films, produced by Walt Disney, running from 10 to 40 minutes will be shown to U. S. Naval personnel at Pier 92 starting Monday through the combined efforts of the New York City Defense Recreation Committee and the Co-ordinator of Inter-American Affairs.
May 10, 1945
Film Classics Gets 125 Tech. Prints of Cartoon
Despite reports of a shortage of Technicolor prints, Ted Eshbaugh, head of Ted Eshbaugh Studios, Inc., yesterday announced the delivery of 125 Technicolor prints of his short subject cartoon for Film Classics, “Cap't Cub Blasts the Japs.” The prints are being sent to all Film Classics exchanges. In addition, prints have been delivered for foreign distribution.
As a result of the success of "Cap'n Cub Blasts the Japs," Eshbaugh is putting a series into work. He expects to make approximately six a year.
May 14, 1945
Phil M. Daly column
• Walter Lantz will employ his new "Humanettes" in the production of two Cartunes .... One subject will be based upon the "Woody Woodpecker" character and the other upon Lantz's "Andy Panda" .... Lantz has supplied his patent covering the "Humanettes," figures made in clay.
• • • INDUSTRIAL FILMS has acquired film rights to best seller, "Dear Sir" for a series of 12 cartoons .... First release will be ready in June .... With it, Industrial Films enters the theatrical field: it has specialized in cartoon work for the Army, Navy and OWI.
May 15, 1945
LT. GEORGE R. GIROUX, JR., AAF, B-17 pilot, the Air Medal, in England. Lt. Giroux is the son of Technicolor's field rep. and was a cartoonist for Screen Gems before donning uniform.
May 23, 1945
To Test ''Pinocchio'' For Possible Revival
Walt Disney's "Pinocchio" may be revived by RKO Radio this Summer, it was reported yesterday. Five or six test engagements are now being set up, and if the picture is successful in the test spots, it will be released for general distribution.
May 24, 1945
FRED QUIMBY, cartoon producer and short subjects executive, has signed a new long term contract with Metro. Joining the company in 1928, Quimby organized a shorts program and later launched the M-G-M cartoon studio which, under his guidance, has won three Academy awards in four years. For the forthcoming release schedule, Quimby is producing 16 cartoons.
May 24, 1945
UNIVERSAL is preparing 26 Walter Lantz Cartunes for immediate shipment to the European market, reopened through defeat of Germany. Titles in languages appropriate to the country are being dubbed in for the Belgian, Netherlands, Polish and other markets. Lantz subjects in Technicolor are already showing in liberated France and Italy.
May 25, 1945
Phil M. Daly column, New York
• Walt Disney's "Uncle Remus" probably will be ready by the year-end. .
June 3, 1945
Dave Fleisher Under Knife
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Dave Fleisher, producer of animated cartoons, was reported resting satisfactorily after an emergency appendectomy Tuesday night.
June 7, 1945
Coming and Going
BOB CLAMPETT, writer-director of Warner Bros. Cartoons, arrives today on a combined business and pleasure trip. This is Bob's first visit to New York. He will be at the Belmont Plaza Hotel.
Disney Pix Solid in Latin Am.
Features, Shorts Play 99% of All Theaters

"Pinocchio," "Fantasia" and "Saludos Amigos" are being dubbed in French and "Dumbo" is being dubbed in Swedish. More than 50 prints of "Bambi" are being readied for Russia.
Samuels said that Wally Feignot, Disney's manager in Paris before the war, had returned to his former post. Samuels met the trade press at a luncheon at Toots Shor's.
Disney Org. "Thinking" On Steps For Tele Pix
Details relative to distribution of company product are the principal matters on the agenda of Roy Disney, executive vice-president of Walt Disney Productions, Inc., it was declared by him yesterday on his arrival here from the Coast. He plans to remain in New York for about three weeks, during which period he will hold conferences with officials at the RKO Radio home office.
Asked concerning the reported plans of the Disney studio to actively enter the field of production for television film, both 35 mm. and 16 mm., as a post-war activity supplementing its features and shorts for theatrical consumption, Disney said that he could not discuss the matter at this time, but conceded that currently there is exploratory "thinking" along that line.
June 8, 1945
Harman Artists Would Return After War Duty
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood—More than 60 per cent of former Hugh Harman employes now serving under Gen. "Ike" Eisenhower in the European theater of operations will soon be back at their old jobs, according to results of questionnaires sent to the 73 men now in the armed forces. C. Earl Shafer, Harman's general manager, stated that 85 per cent of employes in all branches of the service desire to return to their former tasks when released.
June 18, 1945
CASP Film Panel to Hear Analysis of New Markets
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood: — Film panel of the Conference of the Arts, Sciences and Professions in the Post- War World will hear analyses of new markets and trends in motion pictures which are now being prepared on the Coast. Session, to take place Saturday at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, will have Marc Connelly, producer-playwright, and Bosley Crowther, New York Times film critic, as co-chairmen.... Zachary Schwartz and Sgt. John Hubley are making a survey of post-war cartoon possibilities.
Atlas Buys Block Of Disney Common
Purchase by Atlas Corp. of 25,000 shares of Walt Disney Productions' common stock from the treasury of that company at $10 per share was announced jointly on Friday by Floyd B. Odlum, Atlas president, and Walt Disney. It was also disclosed that Atlas has acquired the right to buy another 25,000 shares of the treasury stock at $12.50 per share at any time prior to the end of 1949.
Up to the time of the transaction announced on Friday, all Walt Disney Productions' common was owned by the Disney families. Atlas, however, has had a substantial interest in Walt Disney Productions' outstanding preferred for some time.
Plans, it is revealed, are being considered by the Walt Disney management to make an offer to preferred stockholders to exchange their shares partly for a new issue of debentures and partly for common. Basis of exchange and other details of the offer have not been worked out as yet, and sale of the common to Atlas was an entirely independent transaction not involved in any way with this proposed capital adjustment.
June 19, 1945
Phil M. Daly column, New York
• With eight cartoons in work, Walter Lantz has hit the production peak of the year.
Local 1461, Cartoonists, Elects Calpini Presidentf
Orestes Calpini was elected president of Screen Cartoonists, Local 1461, at a general membership meeting. Other officers elected included: Ralph Pearson, vice-president; Dave Tendlar, treasurer; Phyllis Shagrin, financial secretary; Judith Weiner, recording secretary; Joe Deneroff, warden, and John Gentilella, conductor.
Trustees elected included Gordon Whittier, Katherine Chaille and Gloria Feriola, while Pepe Ruiz was elected business agent. Meeting voted to accept and carry out a request of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America that the union boycott all film theaters until the Hollywood dispute is settled.
June 20, 1945
"Bambi" Big Moscow Hit; "Charley's Aunt" Ditto
Moscow (By Cable)—Two U. S. films have taken this city by storm this week. First is "Bambi" which after many months of waiting has appeared on local screens. Second attraction is "Charley's Aunt" which opened on Monday in 13 theaters simultaneously. Box office lines at both attractions' engagements are enormous.
"Bambi" immediately became the chief topic of conversation among younger theater-goers. Disney is probably the most popular American producer among Soviet Union's fans, and opinion is freely voiced that if "Fantasia" ever reaches public showings he will garner tremendous acclaim. Prints of "Fantasia" are here, but to date it has never reached the screen, supposedly because of price factors.
June 21, 1945
Coast Doubts Formation Of New Distributing Co.
West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY
Hollywood — Little credence is given here to a published report that a new major distributing organization is being formed in New York to include Samuel Goldwyn, Spitz-Goetz and Walt Disney.
Leo Spitz denied any knowledge of such plans, while Goldwyn declined to comment.
June 25, 1945
Grierson Addresses Motion Picture Panel
The motion picture panel that met in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Saturday to discuss employment problems and opportunities for expansion during the conclave for the Arts, Sciences and Professions in the Post-War World had Bosley Crowther, N. Y. Times motion picture critic as its chairman.
Marc Connelly spoke on the "Commercial Film" and John Grierson, of the Canadian Film Board, gave his views on "Government Films" at the morning session.
Capt. Rodell Johnson, formerly Walt Disney animator, delivered a speech by S/Sgt. J. K. Hubley during the afternoon session, which covered "Educational Films — Gartoons."
June 26, 1945
Mink Coat for a Lucky Buyer
San Antonio, Tex. — Some lucky Bond buyer will receive a $2,000 mink coat under a deal arranged with local merchants by Jack Mitchell, Majestic Theater manager. Majestic also will run a special cartoon show for kiddies who purchase 25 cents in War Stamps at any Interstate theater.
January 2, 1945
"Moving A-Weigh" (Popeye)
Paramount 7 1/2 mins. Fairly Amusing
Popeye and his pal, Shorty, deliver a few laughs as they go about the business of moving Olive's furniture. Things get hot when they tangle with the law. It's a hammer-and-tongs battle, with Popeye and his friend winding up the winner. The cartoon is in Technicolor.
"Lulu's Indoor Outing" (Little Lulu)
Paramount 8 mins. Fun for Kids
A certain amount of entertainment results from Lulu's encounter with a couple of ghosts when she is forced by a rainstorm to picnic in a haunted house. The spooks keep swiping the food from the little girl, creating fun that will be appreciated more by youngsters than grown-ups. It's a Technicolor cartoon.

RKO 7 Mins. Many Laughs
His latest adventure finds the Goof on a tiger hunt. The Technicolor animated cartoon is crowded with funny situations which will draw laughter from old and young. In its execution and projection the subject merits high praise. A short that is long on entertainment.

Warner Bros. 7 Mins. Laugh-getter
It's that Bugs Bunny again, folks. That means plenty of guffaws and a good time for all. Bugs is chased into a theater by Elmer, the hunter. There they get mixed up in the show in Bugs' attempt to escape. As usual, the rabbit foils Elmer neatly in a riotous wind-up to the Technicolor cartoon.
"Hotlip Jasper" (George Pal Puppetoon)
Paramount 8 mins. Much Amusement
George Pal has added another fine item to his Technicolor series. This time the Scarecrow tries to get his hands on a gold trumpet found by Jasper, with a $100 reward for its return as the prize. Highly imaginative, the short offers considerable amusement.
"Donald's Off Day" (Walt Disney)
RKO 7 mins. Much Funny Business
An amusing illustration of the power of psychology. Donald Duck, kept from his game of golf by bad weather, takes to reading about diseases and their symptoms. Immediately he imagines himself the victim of one ailment after another. Tricks played by his nephews strengthen his belief he is about to become a dead duck. The Technicolor cartoon is filled with laughs.
February 5, 1945
"Dog Watch" (Walt Disney)
RKO 7 Mins. Fair Amount of Laughter
Pluto inspires a fair number of laughs in an encounter with a rat which invades the ship aboard which he is on watch. The rat is a tough customer with only defiance for Pluto, who has to take a lot of abuse before he triumphs in this Technicolor cartoon.
"The Stupid Cupid" (Looney Tunes)
Warner Bros. 7 Mins. They'll Love This
Daffy Duck again proves a riot in an encounter with a Cupid that attempts to get our fine-feathered friend into a romantic frame of mind. The action is pretty mad, winding up with Daffy the victor. The Technicolor cartoon is a succession of laughs.
"Clock Watcher" (Walt Disney)
RKO 8 mins. Provides Good Time
Another highly amusing Technicolor cartoon starring Donald Duck. The scene of the quacker's antics is a department store's gift- wrapping department. As a wrapper Donald makes a total mess of things, proving a lazy fellow in the bargain.
February 7, 1945
"Yankee Doodle Donkey" (Noveltoons)
Paramount 8 mins. Best for Kids
A fairly amusing Technicolor cartoon about a donkey who tricks his way into the WAGS. When his deception is discovered and he's thrown out of the dog corps he proves himself a real hero by defeating an army of fleas attacking the canines. The kids will appreciate the short most.
"The Odor-able Kitty" (Looney Tunes)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. Laugh-Getter
This Technicolor cartoon about an alley cat that disguises itself as a skunk in the hope of escaping maltreatment it has been getting from people is good for many laughs. The cat experiences embarrassment when a real skunk comes along and gets affectionate. It has a hard time getting rid of the malodorous Casanova.

Universal 7 mins. Funny
This color cartoon features Woody Woodpecker, that hungry bird who always outwits the gullible Wally Walrus in his quest for food. After being thrown out of Wally's boarding house for being a non-paying star boarder, Woody reads a newspaper ad for a feminine companion which Wally had placed in an effort to get a wife. He disguises himself as a siren to gain admittance to the boarding house again and gulps down all the food prepared by the Walrus for his new companion, but escapes Wally's wrath as his true identity is revealed.
February 20, 1945
"Kickapoo Juice"
Columbia 7 mins. Funny
In bright Technicolor, this Li'l Abner cartoon builds up characters of Lonesome Polecat and Hairless Joe. In an effort to get Abner to marry Daisy Mae, Mammy Yokum believes that this can be prompted by having Dogpatch's two bachelors, L.P. and H.J., set an example. It's no go, since the two characters have a stronger yen for their liquor.
"Lulu At The Zoo" (Little Lulu)
Paramount 8 mins. Humorous
Lulu's antics are plentiful and cute in this latest of the Technicolor cartoon series. After getting in his hair, the keeper of the zoo begins to worry about the poker-faced little gal he was chasing from the cages until he finds her inside the hippo's mouth cracking peanuts on his molars.
March 1, 1945
"Jasper Tell" (George Pal Puppetoons)
Paramount 8 mins. Recommended
The story of William Tell and his little boy is amusingly retold in this George Pal short in Technicolor. The Swiss archer is enacted by the Scarecrow, with the son being played by Jasper. The story unfolds as the Scarecrow relates it to Jasper in an attempt to get him to part with an apple.
"Dear Old Switzerland" (Terry toons)
20th-Fox 7 mins. Fairly Entertaining
Life in Switzerland is the inspiration for this Technicolor cartoon. Customs and activities associated with the Swiss people have been drawn upon in an effort to create amusement. There are snatches of Alpine tunes that enhance the value of the short. The handling of the subject is not of the sort to draw many laughs.
"Draftee Daffy" (Looney Tunes)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. A Howl
Daffy Duck creates a laugh riot in his latest screen appearance. The fellow's a 200 per cent patriot until the draft board buzzes him. Then he pulls every trick in a desperate attempt to stay out of the service. There's a chase involving Daffy and a draft board member that is a howler. The pace is furious in this Technicolor cartoon.
"Herr Meets Hare" (Bugs Bunny Specials)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. A Wow
Bugs Bunny does it again. The carrot-fancier is in rare form in this Technicolor cartoon, in which he matches wits with Hitler's Goering. The meeting occurs when Bugs loses his directions and lands in Germany's Black Forest. Goering is a rabbit hunt. At the end Bugs victorious over Hitler as well Goering.
"The Unruly Hare" (Bugs Bunny Specials)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. Hilarious Short
That Bugs Bunny is here again and won't exhibitors be happy. Bugs’ antics will wow 'em be the customers young or old, low-brow or high. The rabbit, his home faced with destruction by the building of a railroad, tangles with Elmer Fudd, surveyor for the road, with results that are hilarious — to be mild about it. The cartoon is in Technicolor.
"Trap Happy Porky" (Looney Tunes)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. Fairly Entertaining
An amusing Technicolor cartoon. To get rid of mice Porky Pig engages a cat only to be plagued by the cat's friends once the rodent menace has been removed. He is driven to bring in a dog to chase the cats away, but the canine turns out to be a flop as a feline chaser.
March 9, 1945
"Behind the Meat Ball" (Looney Tunes)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. Meaty Entertainment
The tale of a dog in quest of red meat should strike home with us humans who can readily sympathize with the poor mongrel. The dog just can't make his dreams of meat come true. When a juicy steak falls from a delivery wagon he has to contend for it with a ferocious bulldog. While they are fighting over the meat another dog snitches it. The Technicolor cartoon is super-charged with laughs.
"Birthday Party" (Little Lulu)
Paramount 7 1/2 mins. Okay
Little Lulu proves quite a nuisance to Mandy in the latter's endeavors to arrange a birthday party for her little mistress. The youngster display in highly amusing manner that curiosity that is so strong a characteristic of hers. The antics of Lulu are capable of entertaining oldsters as well as the kids. The cartoon is in Technicolor.
"The Unwelcome Guest"
M-G-M 7 mins. Fair Cartoon
A mild Technicolor cartoon. This one is more for children than grown-ups. The action has Barney Bear tangling with a skunk which comes upon him while he's on a berry-picking expedition. The cartoon contains some good touches.
"The Shooting of Dan McGoo"
M-G-M 8 mins. Tiptop
An uncommonly funny burlesque inspired by Robert W. Service's famous ballad, "The Shooting of Dan McGrew." The action, set in the Malemute Saloon in Coldernell, Alaska, is filled with incidents that will work the audience into a high state of hilarity. Animation and continuity are deserving of special attention. Superior cartoon entertainment.
"Life With Feathers" (Merrie Melodies)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. Plenty Funny
Swell diversion. The Technicolor cartoon is about a meek love bird so sick and tired of the constant quarreling with his missus that he is determined to commit suicide. He tries every trick to get a cat to eat him, but the feline refuses, suspecting that the bird is poisoned and is simply attempting to destroy him. Loaded with laughs.
"Gabriel Churchkitten" (Noveltoons)
Paramount 8 1/2 mins. Fun for Kiddies
From the Margot Austin story has been fashioned a Technicolor cartoon that will delight the youngsters. The yarn deals with a mouse and a cat on the verge of starvation because the church parson, their provider, being a victim of sleepwalking, has neglected them. Their problem is to find a means of awakening their friend. They succeed—to what certainly will be the rejoicing of the kiddies.

M-G-M 7 mins. Worthy Cartoon
The antics of Screwy Squirrel as a truant are productive of many laughs in this Technicolor cartoon. Our misbehaving hero gives the truant officer a run for it in a series of scenes that follow one another in rapid-fire order. The short has fine animation. Where a cartoon filler is desired this should serve the purpose nicely.

"Cap'n Cub"
Film Classics 10 mins. Good Start
This, the first of a series of Technicolor cartoons featuring a little bear aviator, has enough of what it takes to entertain the youngsters. It is full of the action and the excitement that appeals to the kids. The short gives the series a good send-off and promises well for other subjects to follow. In his debut our hero is a member of the U. S. Air Forces who is a champion of air power. He does battle with the Japs, to whom he administers a thorough drubbing. The evidence is that the series, produced by the Ted Eshbaugh Studios in New York, will prove a welcome addition to the roster of animated cartoons.
March 26, 1945
"She-Sick Sailors" (Popeye)
Paramount 8 mins. Some Good Fun
Once more Popeye and Bluto vie for Olive Oyl's favor. For a time Bluto gets the upper hand as he fools Olive and his rival with his impersonation of Superman, who is the gal's conception of the ideal man. Popeye takes a terrific beating trying to outdo Bluto — until he downs his spinach. Then it's curtains for Bluto. There's considerable hilarious business in this Technicolor cartoon.
"Jasper's Minstrels" (George Pal Puppetoons)
Paramount 9 mins. Much Amusement
A frock coat which Jasper is delivering to the deacon is the object of the Scarecrow's desire. To get Jasper to part with the garment the villain regales him with a story of his days as a minstrel. That leads to a fanciful and highly entertaining flashback picturing a minstrel show of which the Scarecrow is interlocutor. The Technicolor item ends with Jasper's ma chasing the Scarecrow for tearing the frock coat. Excellent.
"Scrappily Married" (Noveltoons)
Paramount 8 mins. Funny
In their second appearance the characters of Herman, Henry and Sweetie Pie give ample proof that they deserve to be established as a permanent combination. Rooster Henry is on the outs with Sweetie Pie, the wife. In trying to win some freedom for himself Henry enlists the help of Herman, a toughie of the rodent world. Sweetie Pie tries unsuccessfully to rout the mouse. Plenty of resounding laughs in this Technicolor cartoon.
April 9, 1945
"Hare Trigger" (Bugs Bunny)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. A Solid Hit
Once more Bugs Bunny scores decisively as a laugh-provoker. Displaying his best form, the screwy bobtail mixes it with a Western outlaw. Bugs comes out second best in challenging the bandit's claim to being the West's toughest guy. There is an unusual windup in which the rabbit finds himself on the verge of oblivion. But, knowing Bunny, we needn't fear for his life; he's the durable type. The cartoon's in Technicolor.
"African Diary" (Walt Disney)
RKO 7 mins. Extremely Funny
The latest of the Walt Disney Technicolor cartoons starring Goofy hits the mark solidly as a satire on the African safari business. Goofy is a ludicrous figure as a big-game hunter who comes to grief. A (h) orn-ery rhino is the thorn (a big one) in Goofy's plans. The guy has such a bad time of it that he's glad to get out of Africa.
April 10, 1945
“The Egg-Yegg” (Fox and Crow Cartoon)
Columbia 7½ mins. Funny
The Fox and the Crow resume their feuding with humorous results in their latest Technicolor appearance. The Fox this time has his eye on two eggs belonging to the Crow. Many laughs are created as the two try every manner of trick to outwit each other. The surprising thing is that the Crow for once is the loser. The cartoon has been produced extremely well.
April 13, 1945
"Kickapoo Juice" (Li'l Abner)
Columbia 7 mins. Mild Juice
Only fairly diverting is the verdict on the latest of the Li'l Abner Technicolor cartoons. The action has to do with the attempt of Mammy Yokum to sell Li'l Abner on the idea of getting hitched to Daisy Mae. To gain her ends she has to do something about diverting Li'l Abner's interest from a couple of bachelors interested in making a potent drink called kickapoo juice.
"The Eyes Have It" (Walt Disney)
RKO 7 mins. This Has It
Donald Duck's experiences with a hypnotism device are productive of plenty of fun. The quacker uses Pluto as his subject with results that are a howl. The hound is changed successively into a mouse, a turtle, a hen and a lion. The Technicolor cartoon should please everybody without reservations.
Paramount 8 mins. Clever
This Little Lulu Technicolor cartoon is a fast moving bit of entertainment with rib-tickling situations that will satisfy all types of audiences. The story, well animated, involves Lulu as the unwitting foil in a magician's vaudeville act.
May 1, 1945
"Woody Dines Out"
Universal 7 mins. Very Funny
That ingenious but hungry woodpecker is attracted by a sign which says, "We Specialize In Stuffing Birds," and finds himself the object of a taxidermist's affections. He suddenly comes to his senses and outwits the animal stuffer who was attempting to collect $100,000, offered by a museum, for a king size woodpecker. This is a Technicolor cartoon.
May 14, 1945
"Ain't That Ducky" (Looney Tunes)
Warner 7 mins. Excellent
The animation is handled well in the case of the hunter, a "Victor Moore" prototype, who vies with Daffy in trying to find what a tiny, but tough, bird is mysteriously carrying in a brief case. This Technicolor cartoon builds into a surprise ending.
"Gruesome Twosome" (Merrie Melody)
Warner 7 mins. Merry "Meowledy"
Filmed in Technicolor, this cartoon offers some choice comedy moments and is a welcome departure from some of the stereotyped characters in this series inasmuch as two of the most cunning tomcats ever depicted are featured. The cats, in battling for the affections of a beautiful feline, are asked to bring back a bird. The bird outwits them and they wind up with an angry bulldog.
"Goofy News Views" (Phantasy)
Columbia 7 mins. Acceptable Burlesque
Here is a generally entertaining burlesque on newsreels done in simulated form. Selected for the purpose are some of the pet subjects of the reels. The footage consists of a variety of items that have been treated with extreme tersen[]. Those who view the short will be rewarded with a fair number of laughs.
"Jerky Turkey"
MGM 8 mins. Amusing
A Technicolor cartoon of the slapstick variety. This is a screwball version of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in 1620 wherein the turkey makes it tough to get himself caught for Thanksgiving dinner.
June 7, 1945
"Canine Casanova" (Pluto)
RKO 7 1/4 Mins. Praiseworthy
Pluto tries his hand at being a Casanova with laughable results in the Walt Disney Technicolor cartoon. The object of the canine's affection is a standoffish little she who plays hard to get. Her feeling toward Pluto changes when he saves her from the dog catchers. This one can be shown with the certainty it will be highly enjoyed.
"Californy er Bust" (Goofy)
RKO 7 Mins. Okay
The latest of the Goofy series of animated cartoons in Technicolor made by Walt Disney has enough amusement to warrant its being booked. The story deals with the experiences of a train of covered wagons heading West. The pioneers are attacked by Indians and seem done for when a tornado strikes without warning, lifting them and their wagons and depositing them safely at their destination.
"Duck Pimples" (Donald Duck)
RKO 8 Mins. Quite Amusing
Employing some of the stock characters of melodrama for purpose of burlesque, this Donald Duck Technicolor cartoon is an adventure in the weird and the scary. Quite a few laughs are elicited as a number of characters in a horror book come to life and give Donald some moments of terror. There is a touch of the unusual about the subject. A recommended item.
June 22, 1945
"Tale of Two Mice" (Looney Tunes)
Warner Bros. 7 mins. Funny Cartoon
A couple of mice doing an Abbott and Costello of the rodent world are the fun dispensers in this Technicolor cartoon. The Costello mouse is the one who does all the dirty work under the prodding of the Abbott ditto. The former has the dangerous task of extracting some cheese from a refrigerator before which a ferocious cat is doing sentry duty. Plenty of hilarity.
June 29, 1945
"Something You Didn't Eat"
WAC-WB 9 Mins. Healthy Propaganda
Made by Walt Disney on behalf of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, this Technicolor cartoon documentary delivers a sock message to every American housewife in an effort to build a healthier and happier future for our nation via sensible food consumption and planned meals.
Every civic-minded exhibitor should find a special spot on his program for this entertaining and essential subject.
ReplyDeleteCan you tell me anymore about this entry? I have two drawings done by this artist and was looking for more information about him. What movies did he work on? I know he was hired by Disney on August 29, 1939. Did he stay with Disney? or did he work for screen gems?
May 15, 1945
LT. GEORGE R. GIROUX, JR., AAF, B-17 pilot, the Air Medal, in England. Lt. Giroux is the son of Technicolor's field rep. and was a cartoonist for Screen Gems before donning uniform.