Monday, 3 March 2025

Off With His Head

Bugs Bunny reacts to being fired on in Rebel Rabbit (1949).

This is one of those cartoons where parts of a character’s body disappear out of the frame during a take. I’ve never understood why a drawing would be shot that way. Below, Bugs’ head springs back into the frame.

Here, Bugs’ head springs out of the frame.

Multiple brushwork hands. This is one of several similar drawings.

There are about ten frames where we don’t see Bugs’ head as he runs in mid-air.

The Bob McKimson unit made some good Bugs cartoons in the late ‘40s (pigs, genie) but this isn’t one of them. I never bought Warren Foster’s plot that Bugs was outraged about a bounty. To me, Bugs didn’t care. I could see Daffy getting upset about a duck bounty.

Anyway, Manny Gould, Chuck McKimson, Phil De Lara and Jack Carey are the credited animators on this one.


  1. Interesting point. That's also the problem with "Rabbit Rampage": Bugs' reaction to the circumstance is out of character.

  2. This has always been a personal favorite of mine, mostly due to how insane it gets in the second half. Sorry that you didn’t like the cartoon. Different strokes for different folks I guess?

    I agree that the Bugs getting upset over a 2 cent bounty isn’t that strong of a setup though (I’m personally not nearly as bothered about it as you but to each his own). Probably something else would have worked better. Still, I’ve always considered this cartoon sort of one of the last gasps of the crazier and wilder Bugs Bunny of the early to mid 1940s (which is probably why his character here doesn't bother me as much as you are).

    1. I don't mind a wilder wabbit. It's just the premise I'm not crazy about here. McKimson's early wabbit with the genie, the pigs and the Easter Bunny are fine (Elmer's motivation in the last one is a little suspect).

    2. Seems like since Bugs needed another obstacle and the holiday is centered on rabbits, they threw Elmer in there; and they gave him a little bit more of a danger by having him want to hunt and kill the Easter Bunny ("BANG! Easter wabbit stew!").

    3. I understand. Like I said, to each his own. I'm personally not nearly as bothered as you are, yowp.

    4. *by the premise

  3. I put this in the category of the Cecil trilogy where Bugs’ ego gets out of hand. Even though it’s out of character, the dialogue and motivations are still funny.
    As Thad Komorowski once commented, McKimson’s Bugs is an idiot, and this one is Bugs at his most idiotic.

    1. The Cecil cartoons make sense. They're based on the Tortoise and the Hare. The hare is supposed to lose. And there are funny parts in all of them.

  4. Also, does anyone know where the live action footage comes from? (It’s usage adds to the hilarity)

  5. This is my favorite mckimson directed bugs cartoons due to how unapologetically mean bugs is in this cartoon. I also like the florida gag too.
