At the start of the cartoon, Screwy calls kids going to school “a bunch of chumps” and grabs a bamboo fishing rod from behind a tree. For the next six minutes, he harasses a dullard truant officer determined to bring him in.
But fishing had nothing to do with the truancy. At the end of the cartoon, Screwy reveals he has measles.

A typical Avery reaction.

I like this in-between.

It turns out the measles are highly contagious. They spread to the truant officer and then the “The End” sign in the background to end the cartoon.

Don’t ask why Screwy showed no signs of measles before this. He’s screwy, you know.
This cartoon has, like all the Screwys, great gags. The roll of phoney squirrel tail may be my favourite.
The dog's hat changing design every time Screwy hits him over the head in rapid session is my favorite.