The King claps twice. Cut to the entrance of a cave. Ub’s animator treats us to more of those lines around the head continually found in Iwerks cartoons. A living pot trots out of the cave and reacts to a pile of wood off-screen.

The pot gallops over to the sticks, rubs its bottom against them to settle in, and smiles.

The fire is lit. Hey, where did those huts in the background come from?

Ah! Flip has an idea.

He conveniently has a piccolo with him (what frog doesn't?) and starts playing. The flames become living creatures and begin a dance.

Flip stops briefly, then blows into the piccolo again. But now (because anything can happen in a cartoon) it sounds like a bugle. The flames crook their “ears” to listen, salute, and then at the sound of a bugle charge, rush off to chase after and burn the cannibals and their king, who runs into the background and out of the cartoon.

Iwerks is the only person to get a screen credit.
I think you mean "radiating" lines, not "irradiated". To irradiate means to bombard with radiation. Though as far as that goes, anything's possible in an Iwerks cartoon.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when you write a post while listening to an old radio show pushing Pet Milk.