Friday 27 August 2021

Jelly and Eels

Who dreams about jellyfish that come out of a jelly jar?

Betty Boop does. Or at least whoever wrote Betty Boop’s Life Guard (1934).

Betty passes out in the sea and dreams of being a mermaid, wondering why she’s not being rescued by Freddy, the aforementioned life guard. The sea creatures sing a little song “Where’s Freddy?” The jellyfish are among them; when they say the “dy” in “Freddy,” they shake like, well, jelly.

We have non-singing, but happy eels swaying and giving off electricity to the music. They turn into electric lights, too.

I’m afraid this isn’t one of Betty’s better efforts, even with lobsters acting like a rowing team. And despite a barrel chest, Freddy looks like he’s just been to the beauty parlour, and would be more interested in Popeye than Betty.

1 comment:

  1. I always felt they went a little overboard with Freddy's design, trying to make him match Betty's looks more so they resemble each other more, and thus make a cuter couple. But, Minnie Mouse was the same way of thinking and she's still thriving today.
