Thursday 8 February 2018


Albert in Blunderland was the fourth John Sutherland cartoon released by MGM, warning theatre-goers about the dangers of America being under government control (ie, like those Godless Commies in Russia).

Even public transit is bad—if it’s run by the government (money was pumped into this cartoon by a foundation operated by Alfred P. Sloan, former chairman of General Motors. You think he liked streetcars?).

This cartoon is more strident than the one which preceded it, Why Play Leapfrog?, also released in 1950. I do like the futuristic backgrounds. Note the leaders of Antrolia (ie. Russia) commune by the signs of the zodiac (ie. not they’re not Judeo-Christian).

Unfortunately, no screen credits were given on this short. Presumably, George Gordon and Carl Urbano were involved as they were long-time Sutherland directors. Sutherland had a stock voice cast, it seems. Herb Vigran plays Albert, Joe Kearns is the ant, Frank Nelson is the radio speaker promoting Communism, Bud Hiestand is heard as well.


  1. I had no idea John Sutherland was a director. Is he related at all to Sid Sutherland?

    1. Sutherland produced it. He's not related to Sid.

  2. I want to blacklist the writer of this cartoon.
