Thursday 21 May 2015

Mail Call!

In “The Great Piggy Bank Robbery,” a wrinkled hand (missing a little finger) of a mailman delivers letters to Daffy Duck. Or does he?

Wait a minute! That letter’s addressed to Rod Scribner, who animated this cartoon (dare I say this is a Scribner scene?).

Who is the letter from? Hard to tell, other than the last name is Fitzpatrick. It could be Willie or Millie or Walter. Anyone know of a Fitzpatrick who worked at Warner Bros.?

Scribner, Manny Gould, Bill Melendez and Izzy Ellis are the credited animators.


  1. This is indeed Rod Scribner's animation.

  2. ATTN: Postmaster, Glendale, CA.

    Dear Sir:

    I wish to file grievance regarding the poor quality of my mail delivery. As of late, I have been finding my personal correspondence strewn about in a haphazard manner just beyond my mailbox. In addition, I have yet to receive a single issue of my Dick Tracy periodical, despite having submitted a subscription fee to Dell Comics several months prior.

    I have brought up this matter with my landlord, Mr. Daffy Duck, who is equally flummoxed with this tribulation, and assures me that he is in no way responsible for such malfeasance.

    Please remedy this situation at once, or I shall be forced to turn the matter over to your superiors, which will result for you much agony... AG..OOO..NEEEEEE.

    Mr. Roderick H. Scribner
